Friday 4 October 2013


Pumping taxpayers' money into the Nour Festival when resources are stretched to breaking point is wrong.
It is interesting to note the festival content makes no mention of the persecution of women, gay people, oppression of non Islamic religions and denial of democracy....issues the Middle East and North Africa are so noted for.

Anyone who has visited Qatar will have a good laugh at the idea that it has a Year of Culture: a less cultured place would be hard to exemplified by the young Al Thani offsprings who make life for London residents hell as they race around our streets.
This festival may not cost the earth, but it has no relevance to this Borough, sends out the wrong message....and wastes our money to no purpose.



  1. Here we go again. Still too many Councillors and Officers in Hornton Street with not enough to do and too much money to spend. This kind of frippery is out of order and should not be using up hard earned tax payers cash.

    Unfortunately Cllr Paget-Brown seems to be turning out to be dud. A dud Leader. No grasp of fundamentals and no inclination to tackle waste. The Hornet has campaigned for more than a year about the waste of tax payers money on this Festival. All that is required is the stroke of the pen from Paget-Brown to put an end to it. But obviously his interests lie elsewhere.

    1. Nick has a soft spot for the Arabian style

  2. "This one-day workshop will teach participants exercises and methods to develop poetic responses to contemporary art using The Mosaic Rooms exhibition"

    Believe it or not, this is the kind of trash that tax payers money is being used for to pay for "activities" at the Nour Festival. GET OUT OF BED, PAGET_BROWN!!!!!

    1. My Mate The Builder4 October 2013 at 13:30

      Sounds like Brown is asleep on the job

    2. Well he was wide awake last night.

    3. Arab affairs?

  3. Idiotic Councillors who approve these events and spend of public money to support them should be shafted

  4. The point is that it makes our generally dull, boring and mediocre councillors thins they are being frightfully cosmopolitan, 'right on' and erudite...poor sods!

  5. We Are All In This Together4 October 2013 at 13:28

    The Central Government grant to K&C should be slashed. It is clearly not needed here. There are more urgent requirements elsewhere in the UK

  6. Monstrous.

    Cllr Paget-Brown presiding over a Rotten Borough

  7. It is difficult to believe that any Local Government organisation is indulging in this kind of tripe at the current time. Or at any other time

  8. How can public money be spent on this trash in the middle of a recession?

    1. Kensington Resident5 October 2013 at 09:45

      Hornton Street is staffed up with Officers to plan and implement this type of activity (Holland Park Opera is another example) and the momentum has so far been unstoppable. The Councillors also like to get their free tickets to the Opera. The system knows how to create employment for Officers and seduce the paymasters with baubles. It will take a brave man to put a stop to it. And Cllr Paget-Brown is not that man.

      All this talk of recession is balls. Walk down any street in K&C and see the multi million £ building projects going on and the new expensive motor cars. The Royal Borough never had it so good - money is coming out of our ears

  9. I would like to say that I attended a Nour event at Leighton House yesterday evening. Taking Cllr Blakeman's lead when she goes to Opera Holland Park, I paid the full entry price for myself and my guest.

    The exhibition was very interesting, there was a rather lovely animation, then there was an experimental dance performance which I will withhold my view of. However I still contend that we the Council should absolutely NOT be funding these kinds of events with taxpayers' money when we are cutting back on essential services for our residents. E Dent Coad

    1. Cllr EDC is right to notice the quality of events. But this is not the point. Opera Holland Park is also an artistic achievement (although the critics mostly panned the productions this season) but these things should not be paid for by Council Tax. To the extent that the Public Sector has a role to play, central Government decides and makes a grant to the Arts Council. Public funding should stop there

    2. I do not belive you are a Cllr - I think you are a fraud

    3. well, you would thin that Matthew, because you are a thick dolt who no one takes seriously

  10. On the basis of this logic, we would also cancel Carnival - yet who would be brave enough to try that?

    1. You are wrong. Carnival should be privately funded. Council Tax is not supposed to be used for this kind of thing

    2. That is the point. Carnival began as an event to promote social cohesion when we had a very large Caribbean community. We now also have a very large Arabic community - the rich Middle Easterners in the south and the poor Moroccans in the north. What is wrong with some Council Tax spending to help them to engage with the host community?

    3. You try and get the Moroccan or Middle Eastern community in their home country to "spend a little public money to engage with the host community". Forget it. Try and get permission to build a Christian church in Qatar? Forget it.

      All this confused Socialist and Liberal wooly thinking needs to be swept aside. Too many cobwebs and too much muddled thinking around. Thank heavens for UKIP

    4. Two wrongs never made a right. That is why this country is so civilised compared to most others.

    5. My Mate The Builder5 October 2013 at 10:58

      You are obviously one of the confused Liberals. Bring on UKIP.

      You tell a working class Brit in overrun N Kensington that he is living a "civilised" existence and he will bop you one

  11. All sensible people would jump at any opportunity to dump the Carnival which has become totally out of hand, lost its roots, and become a gathering of drunks, pimps, thieves, knife wielders and low life

    1. It has not lost its roots, it has evolved into a much more multi-cultural event. And the level of crime per attendee is far lower than any average Premier League football match.

    2. Glad I dont live next door to you

    3. I used to live next door to Chelsea Football Club. Mayhem every other weekend. Much happier now to live on the Carnival route - great fun for two days a year.

    4. Carnival route is a great place for the deaf and dumb to buy a house

    5. Bespoke properties for the deaf and dumb! I love it


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