Monday 28 October 2013



The Dame is a great believer in Fair Play...... except when it comes to Pooter Cockell and Danny Boys Moylan. 
In the case of these two, 'any stick is good enough etc.....'

No one is more aware of the horrors of massive basement excavations than Tim Coleridge. 
And let the Dame remind cynics that it was Cllrs Coleridge and Borwick who stood shoulder to shoulder with residents in resisting Moylan's effort to destroy Sloane Square: as a result Coleridge was forced to endure the venom of this bully boy. 

So Coleridge has form for being 'resident friendly'

The Dame rakes over the past because there has been unfair and quite unjustified criticism of Coleridge in his efforts to control basement development. 

Coleridge has two major barriers to overcome:

1. There is no local legal framework to stop the likes of Cranbrook making misery of our lives and more importantly...

2. It is not a foregone conclusion that all residents would back a blanket ban on basements.

This point is worth making....if there were to be a referendum on a blanket basement ban, it might conceivably fail just because house owners would not wish to introduce a law potentially prejudicial to their own ability to maximise value. 

Instead of continually kicking Coleridge residents would be better served giving him ammunition to fight on our behalf.


  1. Cllr Coleridge is one of the few Councillors who kept his head down and got on with the work of supporting residents of this Borough, even through the nasty quagmire created by Pewker and Moyboy. He is one of the few Councillors who care about the residents, and not his own ego or lining his own pocket. He actually wants to make a difference for local people and have a lasting legacy which residents can be proud of. Whoever is trying to discredit this man is an idiot. Tim Coleridge has done more good for residents than most of the Councillors put together, he's just not good at bragging about it.

    1. Tim is a charming guy who is very good at trying to smooth things over and brush matters under the carpet. But he is up against vipers who are intent on growing the market for digging basements and creating vast profits. This is not a gentleman's game. The gloves are off. Residents will back Coleridge if he gives the lead - but is he up to it?

    2. The person we need to fight this battle is Bruiser Moylan. This councillor has the skill set that is needed to defeat the nasty ways of the developers at their own game.

    3. You are either seriously misguided (or mad) if you think Moylan would halt basement development......He has always been throughly for basement developments. You need to be bloody careful abut what you wish for!

  2. An old family house in Elgin Crescent survived for around 140 years. Then RBKC permitted offshore investors to excavate 15m deep for a swimming pool next door, with barely 1m of soil left in the garden above.

    Before long an elderly resident of the neighbouring house died of the stress caused by the works.The neighbouring house developed cracks that continue to grow.

    RBKC is entirely uninterested in the residents' fate. The remaining family is left without support to fight the offshore developers.

    There are doubtless scores of similar stories throughout the Rotten Borough.

    1. It is exactly this type of evidence that Cllr Coleridge needs to defend this Borough from greedy developers. And the silence from the rest of them continues?

  3. The Council has been given lots of horror stories. The Planning Department is not interested. Of course not - they are in the pockets of the developers

    1. Then send them direct to Coleridge...not the planning dept

    2. Coleridge has stopped replying to emails from "nuisance residents"

  4. Whoever wrote this piece for the Dame is soft. Or was listening to Cllr Coleridge and his "on the one hand this, on the other hand that". What is the point of peddling useless arguments like "it is not a foregone conclusion that all residents would support a blanket ban on basements". What piffle. Indulge in this kind of sophistry and the wets will achieve nothing.

    Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that what is going on is wrong. As Mrs Thatcher used to say: "We have to do what is right"

    Lots of landowners used to support slavery. Lincoln bet his job on abolishing it. Is Cllr Coleridge up to the challenge? This is the question.

    1. Charles James Fox had problems fighting slavery too. Including from many in his own Party. But he was right. And in the end he won. Is Cllr Coleridge up to it or is he still the weed that they called him at school?

    2. How pathetic to even think about hiding behind the idea of a "referendum". This takes the abuse of K&C "consultations" to new levels of stupidity

    3. Don't forget Wilberforce

  5. Time for Cllr Coleridge to take the gloves off. If he considers this to be below him then he needs to recruit people to his team who can get results. Cllr Moylan would be a good start.....

    1. Cllr Mills is another who cuts the mustard

    2. This is not a game for gentleman farmers. Horses for courses please!

  6. This is Cllr Tim Coleridge's moment. The chance to make a name for himself and emerge head and shoulders above his peers as a significant and meaningful politician

  7. We Are All In This Together29 October 2013 at 10:51

    Come on Tim - get shot of these ridiculous developers and their greedy basement clients. Your residents will applaud you

  8. What university did Coleridge go to Oxford or Cambridge?

    1. Agricultural College - of course

    2. He did Art Appreciation at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. Not bright enough for any of the Russell Group.

  9. "Give Coleridge a break - he is doing his best"

    Well it is only 3 out of 10 at the moment. He can do better than that. Much better. And he can start by putting a fire cracker up Mr Bores backside

    1. Grab the opportunity Tim. A chance of fame. You can show your brother a thing or three.......

  10. Cllr Borwick is currently making the running on basements. What is she up to?

    1. What have newly built basements and Cllr Borwick got in common...................................................................................................................................................................they both leak.

      yat at at tar ya , yat at at tar ya, yaaaaaaaaaar.

    2. The Dame disdains boring, witless, very minor public school attempts at schoolboy humour on her little site. Get a grip and understand that such clumsy attempts at wit cut no ice with the Dame and her sophisticated followers. are an embarrassment to yourself and your colleagues

  11. Cllr Coleridge needs to prod Sir Malcolm Rifkind, our MP, into action. This is something that both of them need to fight together


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