Thursday 17 October 2013


Louis Mosley is less than happy with the efficiency of  Mr  Bore's planning department.
Fed up with the Planning Committee acting against the interests of residents he has resigned from the Committee with immediate effect. 

More embarrassingly still, he vented his spleen in a fiery letter circulated to fellow councillors and residents.

The Dame would love to see a copy of the aforementioned letter.


  1. Excellent news. It's high time disgruntled councillors, particularly young tory councillors, went public with their criticisms of the existing regime. RBKC is a laughing stock in wider tory circles.

    1. Great to see the younger Councillors starting to speak out. For too long the Ruling Party has been dominated by geriatrics like Cllr Warwick

    2. Kensington Resident18 October 2013 at 00:14

      Old farts, more like

  2. It seems that Cllr Mosley is not the only Councillor to put pen to paper about the Planning Department and its antics which have become a bad joke. Cllr Mills is known to be outspoken about its shortcomings and has made her views known in trenchant terms on a number of occasions. Mills of course is bullet proof - no one dares to stand up to her. As one of the newer Councillors, Mosley needs to stand up for himself and make sure that he is not bullied. Great to hear one of the youngsters popping his head above the parapet

  3. Retired Chief Executive18 October 2013 at 00:12

    Brave of Cllr Mosley to speak his mind and the topic is obviously of vital importance. Developers are out of control in Kensington and Chelsea and inflicting huge damage on the community. The Leader needs to protect these young Turks when they speak out and not punish them for not conforming - one of the thoroughly unhealthy characteristics of the Cockell regime

    1. It was not only the young Turks who got clobbered by disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell. Anyone who did not creep was buried. Cllr Freeman a case in point. Cllr Borwick another.

    2. Cllr Freeman knows a thing or two about Planning. Why has he not been given more responsibility?

  4. Lets see the letter Dame

  5. The Dame's Researcher18 October 2013 at 08:50

    Cllr Mosley resigned from the Planning Committee because of a specific abuse of one of his residents by the Committee. A rare example of a Councillor doing what he/she is supposed to do. Stand up for and represent the residents. Could this be an outbreak of representative democracy in Kensington and Chelsea?

    If this is a sign of a new culture in the Town Hall then Cllr Paget-Brown is to be congratulated for the changed Leadership style.

  6. Tired Tory Councillor18 October 2013 at 09:57

    Dear Dame's Researcher, it's very sweet that you are so optimistic about NPB, but the man knows little or nothing about Planning and will probably be guided by Cllr Warrick on this.

    1. Retired Chief Executive18 October 2013 at 12:53

      It is clear that much is wrong with the current planning regime in Kensington and Chelsea. The problems seem to be
      (i) Councillors on the Committee who are not inclined to get involved in the considerable detail and complexity and take the easy way out of just rubber stamping recommendations from Officers
      (ii) Leadership of the Committee that has lost site of the fact that there is a community and resident dimension that needs to be represented in planning matters. Instead there is a self indulgent exercise of personal power that makes individual councillors "feel good"
      (iii) the Officers are not subjected to any political Leadership or discipline and have gone "bureaucracy mad", indulging their own power play of clap trap which has now become devious. And bending over backwards, for reasons of their own, to favour developers.

      Two years ago Cllr Ahern put his finger on the pulse when he announced (as the then Cabinet Member for Planning) that the system needed to become more resident friendly. Unfortunately he was prevented from making changes.

      What is required is a new and strong Chairman of the Planning Committee. A person who is propelled by common sense, can focus on the essentials, and has the strength of personality to level with Officers. And above has a mission to represent residents. Cllr Mills is such a person. Of course she would need the support of the Cabinet Member for Planning (Cllr Coleridge) who needs to look Mr Bore in the eye and say: "Things have changed. If you cannot go along with it then hand me your resignation"

    2. Nothing will change until Bore is made history.

    3. Retired Chief Executive has described a "turnaround" situation. This requires weak and ineffectual leadership (aka Cllr Warwick) to be replaced by strong and effective leadership (Cllr Mills fits the bill)

  7. We shall see if anything changes. For decades the Planning Dept has responded to individual applicants rather than applications. Certain favoured developers easily obtain planning permission for whatever outrages they care to impose on their neighbours. Meanwhile those less well connected, such as ordinary residents, are refused permission for their modest projects. Not everyone can take their cases further.

    The number of planning applications is huge. Almost all committee members are amateurs. Prior to committee meetings, tory councillors are even told how to vote. They are the majority and virtually always vote for their officers' recommendations.

    Cllr Campion has considerable architectural experience, so should be committee chairman.

    Congratulations to Cllr Moseley for making a stand on these issues.

    1. Kensington Resident18 October 2013 at 15:33

      Cllr Campion is a busy body. He has wrought huge damage on the prospects for Notting Hill Gate where he has been busy running around for years in that silly bow tie (which he thinks makes him look authoritative) liaising with developers and purporting to be a power in the land of Hornton Street. A residents' attack on this miserable specimen of humanity is growing and he has gone to ground. Wisely.

    2. Campion is a vain and ineffective person. It is the quality of Cllr Mills that the Planning Committee needs as Chairman.

  8. What does the useless Cllr Coleridge (Cabinet Member for Planning) have to say for himself?

  9. The whole process has become a charade. A game for the small clique of Councillors and Officers who manipulate residents for fun using the consultation process to trick and deceive. This has happened as a result of the gross failure of Leadership by disgraced ex Leader Cllr Cockell.

    It is a huge opportunity for Cllr Coleridge and Cllr Paget-Brown to make a difference and restore representative democracy and common sense. This is an issue that touches everyone and they would be widely applauded and acknowledged

    1. You must be joking, mate. Cllr Brown tells anyone who will listen that planning in K&C is a model of efficiency. Ignorant git

  10. Not ignorant at all. He knows perfectly well what goes on, but looks away. We must remember how many councillors and former councillors have business interests in property. The less said about certain officers the better.

    I heard that Cllr Moseley will not stand again. Yet another loss to residents.

    1. Tired Tory Councillor18 October 2013 at 14:15

      Presumably that's why he felt he could speak out? Says it all really. Abbas Barkhordar is also stepping down, Mr Integrity. Huge shame. Watch out for more neo-cons, very non-RBKC.

    2. A great loss to the Tory Group and also residents if Cllr Mosley decides to quit. He is bright and pleasant and works very hard at doing what he is given. And he is starting to be very useful having completed three years on the job. Now he knows the ropes, has built respect, and people listen to him.

      If Mosley goes it is a grand indictment on the Pooter experiment of bringing youngsters into Local Government using his Headhunters, Tribal (free of course, a loss leader for Tribal who were billing K&C £1 million a year at the time for "HR services"). The idea of using a headhunter to find council candidates is one of the most dotty ideas ever. Young James Cecil left after a couple of years because he could not take the overbearing style of Cockell. Margot James dumped her residents after a year in Local Government when her mate Cllr Ritchie found her a place in Westminster to be an MP. Cllr Barkhorder quit because he found a girlfriend. And now we hear that Cllr Mosley (whose career has kicked off in banking) is also on his bike. Local Government is not for the whipper snappers. It is people in their fifties and sixties, with some achievement in life and not hoping for a job as an MP, who make worthwhile Councillors

      How much longer before we hear that Boy Marshall is off?

    3. Don't hold your breath. Boy Marshall is older than he looks. His days on the polo field are numbered and that is the first big change in life that our playboy needs to negotiate.

  11. Don't forget,
    Labour and Councillor Blakeman will be sad to see the back of the great-grandson of Britain's leading fascist.
    After all, they helped get him elected!

    1. Well Miliband's grandfather, Samuel was a supporter of Stalin, a mass murderer

    2. We should all be sad to see the back of a principled councillor.


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