Monday 14 October 2013



When William Richard Sutton, an immensely generous London philanthropist died in 1901, he left what was then a vast fortune for the provision of model housing for those in need.
His legacy stands proudly in Chelsea as a testament to one man's vision and charity. 
How would he feel about the Affinity Sutton and their greedy and exploitative plan to demolish the majority of this London landmark? 
We can safely say he would be angered and shocked.

Affinity Sutton want to reduce the numbers of social housing units and flog off 137 on the open market. 
The Dame will be checking out whether the Chief Executive of Affinity Sutton will be getting a bonus for flogging off these units. 


  1. Progress, dear Dame. Progress. You have been spending too much time on your expensive yacht in Cannes and are in danger of becoming a rather boring armchair Socialist

  2. How really think the Dame is as common as you? I assure you the Dame would never dream of visiting Cannes. From your comment you probably go there for some ghastly Property Developers Conference.
    Now to the point...the Dame is an old fashioned sort of girl who believes that those blessed with good fortune should not go out of the way to ruin the lives of those less fortunate.... merely to feather their own nest. You sound to the Dame to be a frightful oik

  3. Nice one, Dame.

    1. Agreed...the Dame knows how to kick the arse of a w*****r

  4. Talking dear Dame about nest feathering...have you checked out the salary package of the Chief Executive of Affinity Sutton? You can be certain that if this scheme goes ahead he will be taking a chunk of the surplus

  5. What reason has been given for this move? Does Sutton Affinity intend to invest the proceeds of the sale in many more modern units in the London suburbs? Lack of a reason that makes sense is likely to indicate the answer is the usual self serving attitudes that blight so much of modern life. Shameful!

  6. Bunch of losers

  7. I have visited this estate and it seems really lovely, well cared for, well loved, a tight and friendly community, and built for 200 years at least. What precisely is the rationale for destroying all of this?

    We know - and it's the worship of Mammon. Disgraceful.

  8. The locals are looking at putting up 3 independent candidates - to stand up for Local Homes for Local People. Its time the council looked at the people in thier own borough, and started listening to them, instead of turning Chelsea and Kensington into a building site.

    1. Smart move.
      No good relying on the pathetic Labour Group at Horton St for any support.

  9. When there is a shortage of Social Housing in the area - why are the council letting this go ahead, when they are agreeing to less properties for social housing than currently stand. Where are all the workers going to live . If we carry on like this there will be even more people commuting into central london.. this will ultimately put wages up and lead to inflation , if this were to be replicated across London

  10. This used to be an amazing estate where you knew people and everyone looked out for each other. Now, it has become so run down and parts of it are very slum like. Not everyone who lives in Chelsea are on huge inflated wages, some have fairly low wages and certainly couldn't afford to pay private landlord rent and certainly could never buy anywhere in Chelsea, even though a number of residents on this estate have been born and raised in Chelsea for a number generations. All this estate really needs is a lot of TLC to put it back in prime condition so that the residents can once again feel proud to live there and not be scared that they are going to be turfed out not only of their homes but the area as well.

    1. Nice to see people standing up for themselves and their community - rich or poor

    2. Progress dear bloggers. Progress. Knock the rat infested dwellings down and replace with housing that fits 21st Century Chelsea. The poor do not belong here

    3. They are a protected species of Rat ...dont you know...

  11. The truth is that a number of Conservative Councillors despise poor people and are quite prepared to kick them out of their homes so that the land they lived on can be sold off, for a quick buck, to Far Eastern property speculators.
    Planning and Housing Officers are fully complicit in this plan and have put in place the legislative framework that makes "social cleansing" entirely possible.
    Read more here:

  12. If this actually goes ahead ,the new flats allocated to the tenants on the estate will probably pay the cost for this project ,by having our rents hiked up. I smell social cleansing. This estate was built for those who cannot afford the exorbitant rents in London and are so lucky to have homes here. Affinitysutton and the fat cats don't care, all they see are the pound signs...sigh....

  13. As someone born in the area who is fortunate enough to be an owner-occupier in a neighbouring street, I deplore the proposed rebuilding of the Sutton Estate. We already have a high proportion of absentee landlords and it's hard to keep a community spirit alive. We need the vibrancy of a social mix. Rebuilding is likely to dislodge existing residents and replace them with people in both private and social housing who will not have local roots and who may detract rather than enhance what is still a very pleasant mixed residential area. It's said that Affinity Sutton plan to make money on the project that they can spend in other areas of the country. Don't join the developers who are already milking Chelsea for its land values: homes are for people, not for profit!

  14. affinity evil liars no intention of housing working class money doesant talk it swears

  15. suttons bought the land for 85000 who own it now

  16. I phoned head office they say it will still be social housing still segregated rich on one side poor on the other side do they realy think this will work what we need is mass turnout who do they think kidding if they look back in history it was the poor that made Chelsea not the rich snob who said the poor don't belong her


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