Friday 27 September 2013


Readers will remember the Dame did a little piece on the greed of Danny Boys not long ago.
She is pleased to know that senior journalists read her little 
musings.... Well done, Ross..
Can Moylan finally be certified as a lunatic with delusions of grandeur? 
Every job has flopped:no one wants to work with him. This was why Boris was forced to remove him as head of the Olympics Legacy Board...council leaders and property developers thought him an overbearing joke. 
He couldn't even get the job as leader of a local council!
He has nil qualifications for any of his transport roles and the Boris Airport is now buried deep in the Thames Estuary.

Updated: 10:35, 27 September 2013
AN aide to Boris Johnson has become the best-paid local politician in the country after being given three jobs by the Mayor.The Standard
Daniel Moylan is able to earn almost £150,000 a year by adding his £75,000 salary as aviation adviser to his pay for roles on Transport for London, Crossrail and as a Kensington and Chelsea councillor. That takes his total potential earnings above Boris Johnson’s £143,911 City Hall salary.
Critics say it is an “extraordinary amount” for a Tory politician known for his uncompromising style,(bullying style) especially while chairing the Olympics legacy board.
As aviation adviser, Mr Moylan spends about three days a week gathering support for Mr Johnson’s desire for a new airport to be built east of London, either on an artificial “Boris island” in the Thames estuary or by expanding Stansted.
He earns £24,000 a year for sitting on the TfL board and £40,000 at Crossrail, which he joined as a TfL appointment in August. In addition, Mr Moylan receives £10,597 a year at Kensington and Chelsea, where he has been a councillor since 1990.
Mr Moylan, 55, said he would not earn more from City Hall than deputy mayors such as Isabel Dedring and Richard Blakeway — who earn about £128,000 — as his aviation salary would be reduced from next April. He said he could not be appointed as a deputy mayor outright while remaining a councillor.(you got these jobs because you happened to be a cllr: not because you were qualified to do the job) He added: “I’m somebody who does a job who also happens in their spare time to be a councillor. That is what council work is meant to be like. You need to stop thinking of me as a councillor with other roles. Think of me as someone who has a job in the real world.”(no, we think of you as someone who was handed the jobs because no one else could apply!)
He described himself as a “timelord” who was able to cope with four jobs and said he was “not busy enough”.
He said: “What they don’t like is that I’m good at my job.(Please provide an example of this...) I have no difficulty working eight days a week. The one thing that people have never complained about me is that I don’t do my work, reply to emails or return phone calls. It’s the old adage: If you want something done, ask a busy man.”
Mr Moylan said that for part of the year he was earning less than £100,000: “You could do a sob story about this poor guy who has only been getting £99,000 for the last six months.”(weird logic, Cllr!)
Andrew Dismore, a Labour member of the London Assembly, said: “It’s pretty outrageous to get that sort of money from the public purse for doing three jobs that are essentially the same one. They’re all to do with transport


  1. Well done Dame for tipping off the Standard

  2. The hubris of Moylan knows no bounds. Time for this monster to take a very big tumble

  3. English culture moves on and upwards. "Five times a night" has been replaced by "eight days a week". What a hoot

    1. The Royal Borough is ahead of the curve and rightly sidelined this ridiculous Councillor.

  4. “I’m somebody who does a job who also happens in their spare time to be a councillor. That is what council work is meant to be like. You need to stop thinking of me as a councillor with other roles. Think of me as someone who has a job in the real world.” What a plonker. He is meant to be a cllr first and foremost: had he not been he would never have had access to these lucrative jobs. To compare himself to Dedring and Blakeway is utter nonsense: they are professionally qualified. Moylan has no qualifications. Even the two property finds he is non exec of have lost nearly all their value.

  5. Well done Dame. Arrogance and self delusion beyond belief.

    The K & C Conservatives should deselect him. He's still likely to stand at the next election, so the Queen's Gate residents must vote to replace him.

    The number of his highly lucrative jobs is excessive. One repeatedly wonders at the hold he has over others.

  6. Yet another reason why I am pleased I did not vote for Boris Johnson and never will.

  7. There is no doubt about it Daniel Moylan is a manipulative and smooth operator especially when dealing with simple people. I maybe wrong but I think that a few years ago there was some utterly daft and ridiculous scheme in RBK&C proposed by non other than Councillor Moylan to allow bicycles to be ridden up one day streets. Not only is this utterly dangerous, asking for trouble and possibly with fatal consequences i.e. death but I just wonder whether Daniel Moylan was deliberatley trying to make "friends " with the Mayor of London. Boris of course all things about bikes and will not hear of any criticism about how reckless some of the those who ride them are; just maybe Mr Moylan was trying to expoit this strange condition of the Mayor of Londons.

    1. This scheme has been implemented - in Holland Street.

    2. Unbelievable! I welcome other readers views as to whether it is a good idea to allow cyclists to peddle up one way streets or not. My own view is that at a time when there has been alot of concern about the safety of cyclists I would ahve thought that this is plain stupid.

    3. Riding bicycles the wrong way in one way streets is the most stupid idea that anyone could think of. More and more cyclists in Kensington are doing it - especially stupid youths who delight in riding fast, doing "wheelies" and not looking where they are going. It is all very frightening and dangerous for the elderly who tend to walk in familiar streets and patterns and are not used to "looking the wrong way"

  8. He's an embarrassment.

  9. Lets hope he earns enough money quickly enough so that he can retire permanently to his flesh pot in Thailand. And maybe end his days quickly with some over indulgence

  10. I wonder if it's possible and FOI may make it so to enquire about the selection criteria for the posts bully boy holds? It would then be interesting to see how he matches up to them. I think we all know there will be some gaps.

    For jobs in the public sector there surely must be selection criteria? I really can't believe that there are still jobs for the (Danny) boys at this level in this day and age.

    This idiot is still damaging the reputation of politicians across the board but it reflects particularly badly on RBKC.


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