Wednesday 11 September 2013


It seems London & Quadrant, the housing association which owns 100b Holland Rd, are extremely keen to discuss the property interests of Cllr Neal's mum, Mrs Halina Davis.

It would seem that they were unaware that under her married name she owns a property.
We can be sure that if this was the case she would have had to declare this to L&Q who would not have let one of their properties to her.
Failure to do so would have meant that L&Q would have taken back the property now occupied by Cllr Matt.

It all looks very murky.....


  1. If you examine the photo of Cllr Neil he looks like a startled chicken. It seems that the a turkey, gobbling up whatever he and his family can get their hands on, may have been distrubed

  2. Stop this persecution. Cllr Neil's mum lived in the flat, got married and moved out and her son moved in. There is no underhand dealing. The Dame must be careful not to damage the reputation of public figures without reason and be wary of personal disputes and jealousy that seek to exploit the Hornet

    1. Don't be stupidly naive....the L&Q was in his mother's name....NOT her son's. What on earth makes her feel that she can allow her grown up son to take over a flat specifically intended for those in desperate housing need?
      Neal is earning well over £100,000 a year: he should be capable of buying his own flat not lushing off the social housing sector.
      As for describing an invisible local councillor as a public are clearly quite deranged!
      If nothing underhand has taken place then L&Q will not pursue the matter.
      The whole point of the Dame is to hold councillors to account for their action. This she has done with huge success.
      If you don't (as you say pompously put it) as 'public' figure, like it, then stay private or learn to behave.
      Neal has an appalling record as a councillor and is virtually absent.

    2. Don't be stupidly naive....the L&Q flat, in a prime area of London, was in his mother's name....NOT her son's. What on earth makes her feel that she can allow her grown up son to take over a flat specifically intended for those in desperate housing need?
      Neal is earning well over £100,000 a year: he should be capable of buying his own flat, not lushing off the social housing sector.
      As for describing an invisible local councillor as a public are clearly quite deranged!
      If nothing underhand has taken place then L&Q will not pursue the matter.
      The whole point of the Dame is to hold councillors to account for their action. This she has done with huge success.
      If you don't (as you say pompously put it) as 'public' figure, like it, then stay private or learn to behave.
      Neal has an appalling record as a councillor and is virtually absent.

    3. Cllr Neal, I assume this person with whom you are having personal disputes is jealous of your cheap rent?

  3. Before this gets out of hand, the Chief Whip (Cllr Rock-Fielding-Mellen) needs to ask Cllr Neil for a written statement to clarify the matter

  4. 08.45, if this is a social rented property, Cllr Neil would have had to go through the same process as any other aspiring tenant. You cannot hand tenancy of housing association homes from one to another as you please. Succession policy is very strict on these matters, and from the information we have here, it doesn't look good.

    1. Now we are all getting cracked up

  5. Who proposed Neil to be a Councillor of the Royal Borough? Was he Headhunted by Tribal? Conservative Councillors are supposed to be subjected to careful scrutiny. Who was Neil's Proposer and who was his Seconder?

    1. Lets not get too precious about this. This is local Government that we are talking about - not the Vatican. A nice smile and a way with words works wonders in the Tory ranks. Even a trolly dolly and minor porn star can make it to the Tory list

  6. Tired Tory Councillor12 September 2013 at 10:08

    For information, 'Rover' and 'anonymous' making the crack comments are none other than Bungles Palmer who seems obsessed with the idea that one of our senior cabinet members takes crack cocaine.

    Careful Palmer, this is getting very close to libel. They can trace your comments you know. At this rate we will be getting two by-elections, which is the last thing we need.

  7. Dear Tired Tory Councillor
    Who Proposed and Seconded Neil to be a Tory Councillor?

    1. What is the answer 10.49? We're dying to know.

  8. His name is 'Neal', not 'Neil' - although we can understand the confusion with Cllr. O'Neill!

  9. A total silence re the Proposer and Seconder of Cllr Neal "not" Neal. Oh dear. The Dame's PA will have to waste more time with a visit to 1A Chelsea Manor Street to find out who the duo were. Pooter and Rock? To be confirmed.......

  10. Residents of Cllr Neal's Ward are lucky that they have a Councillor who bases himself in London.
    The downtrodden residents of Labour run Notting Barnes are lumped with the useless Councillor Todd Foreman who has given up assisting his constituents and moved to the delightful English countryside to try and further his greasy political career.
    Anyway, we never saw much of Todd Foreman when he was a Notting Barnes Councillor and it seems like we are going to see even less of him from now on.

  11. It's "Barns" not "Barnes".

    1. Have you got nothing more interesting to do? Get a job


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