Friday 20 September 2013


An addition to the housing stock has to be a good thing, but the Dame was astonished to find the rather silly Fielding-Mellen crowing about the addition of three flat units created from surplus office space. Why, you might ask, was the Dame being so grudging about what must be a 'good thing'....

Click to enlarge
Well, sharp eyed readers will remember the Dame ridiculing the Council for seeking a blanket exemption to the Government's very sensible plan to relax planning requirements for the conversion of unwanted commercial/office space to provide housing. 
Had the Council not sought the exemption thousands of new residential units could have been created to satiate the huge demand for housing. 
So what the hell was Fielding-Mellen thinking about in preventing the conversion of useless and unneeded commercial/office space into decent housing?

Click to enlarge


  1. Can Mr Bore explain how the Council can flaunt the system in this way?
    One law for RBKC and another for others

    1. My Mate The Builder20 September 2013 at 19:47

      If Mr Bore and his team of day dreamers would come down from their Tower In The Sky, and stop thinking up crazy ideas like a new Art Gallery and Museum for Notting Hill Gate, they could start to think about regeneration ideas for the Borough and how to attract and keep young people with their first homes. Space in Tokyo is even more scarce than London and the inventive Japanese have started building "mini" homes. Why doesn't the Council use some of that land that they are clearing with their "scorched earth policy" (eg Earls Court) and insist that Developers build "mini homes" (target sale price £200k which is equivalent to 110 sq ft at £1800/ sq ft) for sale to young starters. Officers would do well to invite imaginary proposals from architects instead of behaving like kids in a sweat shop when developers come knocking to demolish whole community centers like Notting Hill Gate and Bayswater

      Note to Mr Bore: £200k price could be a £20k deposit and mortgage of £180k which is 6 times a £30k salary. This is "doable". Come down to earth, laddie

  2. Ctracking good intervention by the Dame

    1. Time for Cllr Paget-Brown to retire "Rock" before the accident happens

    2. The Dame's Investigator20 September 2013 at 19:51

      It would be a shame if the Dame has to write another blog covering the demise of Cllr Mellen after the accident. Along the lines of "I told you so"

  3. Cracking. Cracking.

  4. This isn't a good example.

    The three 2-bed flats on World's End were originally flats. They were converted into office space in the 1980s for use by Social Services. Social Services vacated the three flats four years ago.

    The Council and TMO have simply reinstated three 2-bed flats to their original (residential) purpose.

    1. With all the housing shortages, and Somali refugees being put up in £2000 a week Kensington houses (paid for by Council Tax), why on earth were these flats left empty for FOUR YEARS? More Councillors and Officers asleep on the job?

      Hornton Street needs to come down to earth. It seems that the system only gets active when there is the chance and excitement of importing pink granite from China for Exhibition Road and spending £100 million on Holland Park School when Government guidelines are very specific that no more than £30 million should be spent. But of course - this is the ROYAL BOROUGH and the Council is stuffed with pigmy egos of the worst sort

  5. So all the puffery means nothing: in fact we have misled by Mr Fizzypaddy-yet again! These were simple reinstatements.
    But that does not address the core issue of the loss of thousands of potential flats that could be recycled from commercial space.... a huge lost opportunity

  6. Rock felt the need to puff up with a Press Release and/or Fitzpatrick felt the need to give his inflated PR Department something to do. Too many Councillors and Officers with not enough to do and too much money to spend.

    Get a grip Cllr paget-Brown

  7. The Council’s argument is that it can’t spend its reserves to provide additional social rented housing. This money must come from the Housing Revenue Account. However, the Council can spend its reserves on anything that benefits Borough’s residents. Providing more social rented housing would clearly benefit families on the housing register while cutting taxpayers’ spend on temporary accommodation. So the opportunity to provide more homes is here – and there are unused spaces on other estates. Other councils do this, so why not ours? Come on, Rock - start acting like a responsible capitalist.

  8. At the quite farcical* public exhibition and consultation on the NHG redevelopment, a planning officer said RBKC must protect existing offices to provide jobs. Otherwise they will be converted to yet more luxury flats at an instant 30% profit.

    Having digested such information as was available, it seems that due to huge property values, none of the suggested innovations are viable. So much for genuinely affordable housing in RBKC.

    *Lack of basic facts e.g. current numbers of residents and vehicle numbers etc.

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