Sunday 25 August 2013


There is a tendency for ex councillors with bugger all professional qualifications to set themselves up as 'planning consultants'. In their publicity they subtly infer that years of contact with planning officials and knowledge of process make them ideal partners for architects and developers keen to turn a buck or two. Of course, having no professional qualifications of any relevance, this is the only avenue they can pursue in order to get clients on board.
Naive residents might think that an ex councillor should not use the knowledge and contacts gleaned through public service to promote his/her business interests....particularly if former left wing Labour councillors.

So the Dame was interested to read the self promoting blurb put out by ex councillor, Keith Cunningham. 
Keith is not your typical 'dry as dust' Labour councillor. 
He loves his holidays in Thailand and boasts in his website of working for local members of the aristocracy. 
He is not shy either about boasting about being 'behind' the new Holland Park School and Chelsea Academy whilst a member of the Major Planning Applications Committee. 
Such claims will bound to upset Pooter!

It would be interesting to know Comrade Keith's view on basement developments-so beloved of the hedge fund managers he would have at one time claimed to despise.

As the Dame pointed out back in February....
'Our Keith' claims to have the sort of inside track we all dream of. One Conservative multi millionaire  Abingdon Villas owner paid 'Our Keith' £10,000 for his 'expertise'.
As Cunningham has not one relevant professional qualification one has to wonder what he does offer'


  1. Keith was made to walk the plank as leader of the labour group, then further knifed by his ward members as a councillor.

    Given Mr Milliband knifed his own brother I would suggest this behaviour runs through the national and local labour party

    1. Planning? Thailand? Interest in young people? Money?

      Must have a lot incommon with some of the Toris.

    2. It is a scandal that Mr Cunningham is charging residents £10k a time to advise how to get around Mr Bore and his Planning Committee. This should be referred to the Standards Committee

  2. What a nasty lot the labour group are

    1. Don't be naive: all politicians end up knifing each other. As for Keith C....well he deserved what he got

  3. All politicians? The Liberals - who did they knife ?

    Locally Cockell, Hanham, Freeman etc etc did they get knifed, nope.

    Looks like it is Labour that is dirty

  4. What about ex Cllr Phelps and Lamont.....really disgustingly filthy or in the case of Lamont and his child porn don't you think it nasty?

  5. OK I get it. So when truly evil paedo Tories emerge they pretty well get away with it, are left in office until the last minute. But the Labour Group dispose of their filth like Cunningham, O'Neill and Alapini??? And that's a bad thing?


  6. Cunningham has been milking the system for too long. Good news that the Dame has exposed him for the shallow rat that he is. It was pathetic to watch him when he was Leader of the opposition and licking the backside of Pooter in return for his £30k per year SRA.

    1. Hushpuppy Cunningham is the worst sort of Labour menace

  7. Is Cunningham a friend of Cllr Moylan? Surely not!

  8. I think that though Cunningham shares a love of Thailand their interests diverge in terms of their particular interests when they arrive

  9. Labour in North Kensington are a pathetic rotten joke.

    1. Cllr 'Bunter' Palmer25 August 2013 at 23:20

      What a bunch of rotters....not like our lot in the south harmlessly circulating and devouring child porn

  10. Labour's collusion with the Tories at Horton St has made them a laughing stock.
    Time for a change of Leadership and time to give Emma Dent Coad a chance to return some dignity to the Labour Group.

    1. no one tells lies like Emma

    2. Liars populate the ranks of the Conservative ranks....led by arch liar Pooter who first denied using the Bentley for personal use and then lied about who he dined with, at our expense in New York

  11. Palmer - you are obsessed with the Dame. Give it a rest, there's a good lad.

  12. Funny but we always used to think that Cunningham aspired to be a Tory councillor but of course his face and background didn't fit so he had to become a labour one instead. Now he's just capitalising on the fact that he was an elected member and has left his adopted colours well and truly behind him.

    1. Or good old Emma who sent her kid to a private school

    2. Christ's Hospital is a a charitable foundation. Anyone talented from any background can get in if they are clever enough. To describe it as 'private' is a nonsense.

    3. so is Eton, it also has scholarships,

      Why didn't you send your child to Holland Park Emma?

    4. Because her child got a 100% scholarship to Christ's Hospital: you seem quite obsessed with EDC and her life....maybe time you got one of your own Matthew

    5. only Cllr Dent Coad would know that - proof of who is contributing to the Hornet

    6. All Emma's friends know about her child's success - dickhead!

    7. Thank you everyone who has posted in my support here, I'm very touched. For the record this is my first comment.

      I have three children who all went to charity boarding school. This was my decision as a single working mother and I stand by that; there were lots of reasons behind it that I do not wish to share. One is now a doctor, one a journalist, and my youngest has attained excellent GCSE results.

      As parents we have the right and the responsibility to make choices for our children. Mine are thriving, adorable and decent human beings. That is all I wish to say on the matter.

    8. 21:20

      I know Emma Dent Coad reasonably well and though I don't share her politics I believe her to be a committed and first class councillor. So, like most people who know and like Emma, the success of her children is no great secret: therefore your inference is sheer and utter nonsense.
      One of the great pities of our age is the way national politics infects local government.
      A leavening of independent councillors would be a wonderful thing and were EDC to stand unaligned I would certainly vote for her.

    9. I must agree with Justin's points about about Emma Dent-Coad. I don't either agree with her politics but as a councillor I had several dealings with her over the years and I found her to be a person of the highest integrity and her concern for issues affecting residents in their day to day lives was unmatched.

      There was no lip service from her just attempts at action. I saw attempts of senior officers to side line and thwart her when she asked hard questions that in turn questioned their motivation which was at times highly questionable. No one of course is beyond reproach but there are many who should be questioned in front of EDC about their conduct and actions.

    10. So why was Holland Park not good enough for any of your THREE children ?

      We must be told Emma?

    11. Emma's response is very clear and is perfectly acceptable.

    12. What's so great about Holland Park anyway?

      £80 million does not a top class school make. Just a very expensive one.

    13. Dear 11:11,

      I'm sure you think you've stumbled on a vitally important question here that will cause your political opponents to tumble. Sadly (for you) this simply isn't the case.

      Any keen observer of human behaviour would have told you that responsible parents, as a rule, tend to act in the best intests of their children. As a result 99% of parents won't care where Cllr. Dent Coad does or doesn't send her children to school, they won't care that they attend a charitable school outside the borough through a bursary rather than Holland Park, for the very simple reason that given the same opportunity they will make the same choice. Their children come first.

      Were I considering sending my children to Holland Park (I am not) I would be far more interested in whether or not any of the Councillors making decisions that affect the school send their children, not where the members of one of the minority parties send theirs.

      All you've actually managed to "prove" with your persistent, annoying questioning is that Cllr Dent Coad is a responsible, caring parent who puts her children's best insterests before her own.

      Well done.

    14. A quick glance at the bus stops each morning reveals lots of kids heading out of the borough to "better" schools.

    15. Nothing like putting person benefits ahead of personal beliefs

    16. Nothing like putting your children's best interests first - that concept can't be trumped by any belief. Well done Emma for being a responsible parent.

    17. 12:18 appears intent on repeatedly demonstrating their complete, and apparently wilful, ignorance of real life.

    18. Anonymous @ 12:18: do yourself a favour and step out of your political and ideological coccoon. You come across as someone for whom ideological purity comes before common sense, or any sense for that matter. On the assumption that you are actually an elected Tory Councillor one can only wholeheartedly recommend that the majority party start psychologically screening their candidates. Perhaps we might then all be spared the obscenity of a deluded clown sat on the back row of the Council chamber.

    19. Fig, his electors would be better served by a potted plant. The majority party could do us all a big favour by selecting a suitable example and sticking a blue rosette on it. If this behaviour is typical it can't do their election prospects any harm and the residents would appreciate the respite.

  13. Interesting, 'WorkedatRBKC', this sounds just like Comrade Dezzie, who used to be a Liberal Democrat until he met Our Keith, who apparently convinced him to switch loyalty so he could get elected.

    I wonder where Dezzie will go next?

  14. Good old Dezzie, helped by Keithie, also got on the gravy train big time - and when he was finally twigged, Labour sensibly ditched him too. Expect him to re-appear next year, however, either as an independent or a Lib Dem. He still needs the money - despite the subsidised social housing that he under-occupies while owning two houses in the East End.

    1. Labour's troubles in North Kensington are only just beginning.

  15. EDC is a hard working ward Councillor with no other agenda other than to serve the residents who elected her. Where she sends her children to school is no ones business, in the same way as its no ones business that Cameron passed three perfectly good schools on his way to the High Street. Therefore people in glass houses should not throw stones. Parents are supposed to do the best for their children.

    As for KC and his sunshine band who cares? There is more madness going on in this Borough that should be addressed like the Tri-borough Gravy Train a legacy of Pooter. Right under everyones noses this Borough is being sold out.

  16. But Cameron and Gove send their children to state schools. where as Left wing Socialist Emma chooses not send her children to Holland park (or any other comprehensive) and instead to a posh private boarding school in Sussex.

    1. Don't be an idiot: Christ's Hospital is not posh. The vast majority of pupils come from some of the most hideously deprived parts of the country. Cameron will doubtless send his children to private schools when they are older.
      I don't ever recall EDC dictating to others where they should send their children so frankly it is her business. She has obviously instilled a strong work ethic which has allowed them all to have bursaries. Now stop being a bore

  17. The main question is, why is Palmer bothering to do his usual diversion trick, which he does so well for his own colleagues, for 'Groper' Cunningham? Are they working together now? We should be told!

  18. Now we know some of the Labour lot are quite nasty is there anything we can say about the rest ........?

  19. Blakeman - there is a story.............

    1. Oh for goodness sake....grow up. Judith Blakeman is as straight as a die. She even refuses to accept free HPO tickets. If you want to stir at least be believable are a mutt!

    2. only when it suited her, in previous years she has accepted various freebies. Especially Holland Park Opera

    3. So, the Leader of the Opposition stands up in the Council Chamber decrying the Tory's spending on Holland Park Opera but will then accept her usual free tickets to attend.
      No wonder Labour have no credibility in RBKC.

    4. There is more dirt on her than that side distraction

    5. Tired Tory Councillor3 September 2013 at 14:40

      This is bonkers, Cllr Blakeman is famous for NOT accepting freebies. She even decided not to go for the HPO opening night as people might think she had accepted free tickets; she ALWAYS buys her own. Indeed, I've seen her bring her own bottle of win to the post-Council supper that we now all pay for.

      So be a good fellow and go boil your head.

    6.'s Tories....not Tory's. Thickoo!

    7. Reading between the lines it looks like The Hornet has put pay to Councillor Blakeman's previous supply of free opera tickets.
      They simply cant get away with their troughing anymore.

    8. Matthew is put paid not pay....ignorant clown.
      Troughing is what Pooter, your friend, did. Sponging off the taxpayer....$500 dinners with his crooked friend and being liberal with ex's

    9. Can't work out who is sadder-Palmer or the Labour Councillors who spend all day following him on The Hornet.
      Might be an idea for Blakeman, Foreman and co to cure their addiction to the Dame and get out and do some meaningful work for a change.

  20. Looks like the opera loving Councillor is a true champagne socialist.


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