Tuesday 2 July 2013


The Dame has had a roasting from regular readers surprised that she 'lifted' the story of the massive fire off Kensington Church St from the Mail, instead of attributing it to the Kensington & Chelsea Chronicle from whom the Mail lifted it. 
Some of her more angry readers even suggested the Dame allowed herself to be swayed by professional jealousy in not attributing the story to Miss Horrox...Not true!
The Dame is vastly admiring of Miss Horrox. She has sharply improved local reporting in every dimension and made the Dame 'look to her laurels'. Her worst fear is that Miss Horrox will soon be poached by a national newspaper leaving us all in the lurch. 
Hopefully, Camilla will have persuaded us of the need to protect our fire service and.... in doing so, protect all of our lives.

Smoke from £4million Kensington house seen from Heathrow as fire fighters contain the blaze

Posted by Camilla Horrox on Jul 2, 13 11:39 AM in News
A DISTRAUGHT woman found her £4million house ablaze this morning after fire crews battled for hours to control the fire which had swept through the three storey building.
At around 10am a lady believed to be the owner of the property was being restrained by police and firemen from running to the still burning property.
Neighbours of the empty house which was empty and under renovation were evacuated at just after 6am this morning as heat and fire debris engulfed the street on Camden Grove.
72 fire firefighters and 10 fire engines fought to contain the out of control blaze, which threatened to spread to neighbouring properties, bringing it under control by 9am.
You can read the whole story  here


  1. Camilla Horrox is doing a bloody good job.The K&C is now worth reading

  2. One of those dreadful basement digs gone up in smoke. The dreadful woman who owns the house now has a taste of the pestilence that she had been creating for neighbours. Of course she could not care a stuff for other people....

  3. This is a very good reason to tighten up on basement excavation planning legislation. As this country is enfatuated with health and safety legislation surely this very serious incident, which could well have resulted in loss of life/lives is serious enough for their whole matter of planning and basements to be reviewed immediately.

  4. An accident - or worse - waiting to happen; huge sympathy to the poor long-suffering neighbours.

  5. The ghastly owner of the house that caught fire has been inflicting misery on her neighbours for the last two years with her basement excavation. The whole street has been turned into a building site with massive delays and obstructions. Not an ounce of sympathy for the reptile. Its all about "me", "me", "me".

    1. Stand Up For Britain3 July 2013 at 13:43

      Its arson. Probably a foreigner too.

  6. Distraught woman, my foot. Public menace, more like it

  7. This owner has been causing havoc in Campden Grove for well over a year with their basement dig


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