Tuesday 16 July 2013


Mr Fitzpatrick's 9 strong press team fresh from promoting the 'grassless garden' have now sunk their teeth into another exciting new project......
An Unidentified Flying Object will be landing on council property so it's a case of 'all hands to the pump' to ensure no panic amongst residents.

What a waste of time and money......



  1. All readers should be clear that this trash is being funded by Council Tax. At the same time, soup kitchens in North Kensington are short of food and funds. Cllr Paget-Brown is failing as a Leader when he allows this to happen on his patch

  2. It is hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. The ruling Tory Group in Kensington and Chelsea are completely disconnected from the world around them and exist in the Hornton Street bubble

  3. The band playing on the Titanic.......

  4. Time for non Leader Paget-Brown to be shoved down the plug hole. Residents cannot be expected to put up with this and see their hard earned tax squandered. Cllr Moylan got it right when he christened Paget-Brown the "occupant"

  5. Cllr Moylan has told friends that he has nothing but contempt for the Paget-Brown leadership. "A poker hand of trivia" he was overheard to say

    1. I hear he voted with Labour at the last Council meeting. What was that about?

  6. It is easy to forget the type of 'leadership' favoured by Cllr Moylan.
    It's divide and rule and and marked by lousy decisionmaking. Never forget that it was Moylan who pushed through the extraordinary folly that is Exhibition Rd....£27 million of our money wasted on what now looks like a airport runway, slicked by oil stains and tyre skid marks: his idea that you could mix cars and pedestrians now seen as recipe for disaster. And we forget how close he came to obliterating Sloane Square. It is naive and dangerous to laud Moylan...he holds officers and residents in equal contempt.
    The measure of the man's inability to be part of any team is never more evident in his sniping at Paget-Brown. If he were of true worth he would be lending his support-moral and otherwise, rather than bitching to all and the very sundry.

  7. It is rather tiring that the pro-Moylan trolls keep posting their same old drivel. Moylen in control would result in a walk out of staff at all levels and while there are a few who might well be got rid of some need to be retained. In the main the officer team at RBKC has integrity and they don't need an out and out idiot like Moylan in control.

    Once again children, give NPB the chance he deserves. Pooter had fourteen years to create the mess, NPB has not yet had fourteen weeks to start undoing it.

  8. Moylan would not be landing UFOs in Ladbroke Grove, funded by Council Tax

  9. No, he would be using his madcap airport in the midst of the Thames Estuary.

  10. But the good news is that the pre-UFO-launch VIP drinks at the Elgin have now been cancelled. A step in the right direction.

  11. It is unbelievable that after five years of recession, huge national debt, the next generation mortgaged to the hilt, that the Tory rulers in Hornton Street are still splurging tax payers money on this kind of trash. A useless Leader and self indulgent and pointless Councillors

    1. Hornton Street is a self important puffed up bubble

  12. There is an utterly trivial fringe to this Council. Time for Paget-Brown to trim the sails

  13. Fly On The Wall18 July 2013 at 11:04

    Cllr Lightfoot (Cabinet Member for Finance) has had enough. He is standing as an MEP for London in his effort to get out. Good luck, Warwick!


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