Wednesday 19 June 2013


The Dame often wondered about the furtive looking, trilby wearing individual, lurking beyond the gates of her monstrous Holland Park mansion.
Thanks to a tip off she has been enlightened. It seems the harmless old thing is under surveillance!

The tipper off tells her, "I understand that there is a full time council officer monitoring the Hornet and briefing members and senior officers about every posting."

The Dame has her own ideas as to who the operative might be...step forward Angus are exposed!


  1. Another ridiculous use of tax payers money. Add this to the propaganda arm (The Royal Borough)and the thought police - the new Paget-Brown administration with its continued splurging on Holland Park Opera and Mayorla cars - is quickly losing credibility

  2. proof please of this claim

  3. Incredible. The Royal Marsden Hospital running out of money, volunteers collecting on the streets, and Hornton Street employs an Officer to read the Hornet!! Its a crazy mixed up world

    1. When you elect a bunch of very average people to be Councillors and give them access to the bottomless pit of taxation you get some very average results

  4. hang on Mr Morrison is an arboriculturalist - nothing to do with the PR department and I am sure much more gainfully employed

    1. Mr Morrison maybe....but he is an avid follower of the H...are you not Mr M??

    2. Isn't that the same Angus Morrison who used to deep rim dirty Barry "bungjuice" Phelps?

  5. Kensington Tory19 June 2013 at 17:45

    At least it was only the idiot Palmer on the job for Cockell. Can it be true that Paget-Brown is EMPLOYING an Officer to read the Hornet? Surely not

  6. most council officers read the hornet - contrary to what some of your more paranoid contributors think it is not blocked

    1. Junior Officer19 June 2013 at 18:20

      We have a huge laugh reading about the antics of our often ludicrous councillors. It keeps us in stitches when we go for a post work drink up...particularly Sir Merrick: we think him hilarious

  7. where is the proof please

  8. One of the officers tasked to read Hornet each day was quite open about his role. He has sadly retired under the Tri-borough axe.

  9. I can't provide solid proof because that would involve naming someone that I am not at liberty to name but I know from a close contact that the assertion of an officer reading The Hornet and briefing members is true. NPB is however on the case of waste. Please give him time. Just as Rome wasn't built in a day it will take time to undo all Pooter's wasteful nonsense. If there are no changes in six months then it's time to condemn, not now.

  10. WorkedatRBKC
    Thanks very much for the confirmation.Your information is rarely faulty. And I thoroughly agree that we need to give Nick P-B a chance. Even now, one notices a far more concilatory tone in cllrs dealings with residents. There is nothing the Dame would like more than to continue with her retirement.

  11. Yes, this is correct. When NPB took over Moylan's former Cabinet role, he quietly and without fanfare undid a lot of the previous nonsense, such as York stone pavements, closing all public lavatories, the ludicrous and unused motorcycle parking bays, etc. This led to huge rows between the two of them, culminating in them no longer sharing a Town Hall office!

  12. Petulant Moylan is always throwing his toys out of his pram

  13. I have known Angus Morrison for a number of years and in my professional opinion this person is unemployable

  14. No proof just smears and personal abuse of officers who can not reply,

  15. What is abusive about suggesting that an officer monitors a very effective commentary on corrupt cllrs? Don't be an arse


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