Tuesday 11 June 2013


Keeping Mr Fitzpatrick and his nine strong PR team occupied is a full time job.
When they are not sending out fatuous press releases about new lavatory openings or frogs in Holland Park, they focus all their energies on the £300,000 a year Royal Borer.
The Dame, out of the kindness of her heart, employs disgraced ex Mayor Phelps as her factotum. 
Him,being an ex journalist, she asked his professional opinion of the Royal Borer. 
In that orotund manner of speaking-so beloved of this piece of pomposity- Phelps opined, " Madame Dame, it comes in very handy for firelighting duties in the servants’ area."

So what have Mr Fitzpatrick and his half a million pound a year crew been up to recently.....
Yes, it's the grassless garden
This You Tube type video is likely to get no more than a dozen views and one hesitates to speculate about the production cost in staff time and materials.

As for the cost of the garden itself...did we pay for it? It's a charming idea, but we do live in straitened times. 
This sort of indulgence should be paid for in the following ways:

  • By scrapping the huge amounts of money Moylan set aside for his horrid 'public art'....painted girders, etc.
  • Or by persuading companies to sponsor it

The Dame might be quite wrong...it may have cost us zilch.....but we should be told.


  1. The video is a shambles and need not be entered for any kind of prize. Not even an amateur prize. One of the many shocks is the shambolic suit that the Leader of the Council, Paget-Brown, is wearing. He badly needs a tailor now that he is elevated in Public Life. Unless he plans to desert to the Labour Party Nick needs to attend to his wardrobe. Mr Jarvis, my man in Savile Row, does a good cut.

  2. What is the Council splurging money on this nonsense for. THERE IS A RECESSION GOING ON. Have they become aware of this in Hornton Street?

  3. Too many Councillors, not enough to do, and too much money to spend

  4. PR Department is thrilled to bits. The grassless garden was featured on the Today Programme

    1. Must have been a really short news day, but seriously FitzP and his team costs us £450,000 a year so getting it on Today costs us all a bloody fortune and to what purpose? Do I, struggling to pay my council tax benefit in any way? I don't think so

  5. good write up in the Telegraph today - Money well spent then

    1. Well yes, money well spent if it not yours....clearly a cllr has written this...not your money is it mate?

  6. Difficult to predict the media except that they can suddenly turn vicious without notice. Fitzpatrick is failing to advise the Leader that there is a totally dangerous body of messages that are dribbling out of the Royal Borough at this time. £100 million school, £30 million pink granite from China for Exhibition Road, grassless lawns, stainless steel street furniture, £1 million opera subsidies, £800k Mayoralty of two Mayors, Bentley and Jag, shadow Chelsea flower show in Holland Park, festival of gay art, £1 million renovation of Leighton House, resident artist, Park discovery walks, writing competitions etc, etc.

    All of this adds up to a tax funded self image that has absolutely nothing to do with the reality of contemporary Britain. A massive disconnect from the world around us and a fundamental failure of democracy

    Cllr Paget-Brown, you have been warned

    1. This the Royal Borough, dear boy. We have a way of doing things here. An appropriate way. You could always go and live in Hammersmith if this would suit you better

    2. Oh stop all this affected 'dear boy'...we all know you are some frightfully common,jumped up lower middle class type: that is the type that call others, 'old boy. Only frighfully ....they think it what grand people call each other..

    3. 11.17 is a perfect example of the living dead

  7. yes that is a good piece in the Telegraph - it is interesting to see how PR works

    1. Oh that's simple....you take the journalist out to lunch!
      Are you just pretending to be thick to amuse us....or are you REALLY thick...'cause it's a very thick comment!!

  8. have you seen this video


    all about the grassless lawn in K&C - I think the Town hall PR dept are proving their worth

    1. You would wouldn't you. Proving their worth at costing us poor buggers £500,000 a year for getting publicity about a grassless garden. Who gives a flying f***k. Save some money and fire the useless pr idiots

  9. If teh PR Dept were any good instead of promoting loos and gardens they would have stopped the dreadful press coverage about Pooter and the council in all the national press....now that would have been good/clever pr!!

    1. very bad spelling, shows you that those who follow the Hornet line are illiterate.

    2. Maybe it's Cllr Palmer: he can't spell....
      That look like a typo to me....are you for real. You sound weird

    3. since when has palmer ever followed the Hornet Line -More likely a Labour councillor

    4. There will always be certain of the Dames' devoted followers who cannot grasp the simplest of facts.
      The Dame is apolitical. Her crusade is to expose abuses of power.... irrespective of whoever the abuser might be.
      Logic thus dictates that the ruling party will always be in her sights: after all,it is the majority group which grips the levers of power.
      So stop being silly and suggesting the Dame is politically biased. Her only bias is towards greedy or dishonest councillors. Good councillors, such as Tim Coleridge, frequently receive encouragement. And it is worth pointing out that the Hornet was very biased in favour of Nick P-B during the elections. So enough of this silliness:accept the inevitable scrutiny that comes with power.

    5. I have just seen a flying pig outside my window

    6. These things happen after too much whisky, Cllr Palmer

    7. yes, or too much crack....

  10. Looks like the PR Dept are making these comments....hilarious!!

  11. Fly On The Wall13 June 2013 at 21:53

    Time for Cllr Paget-Brown to quietly retire his crack smoking Cabinet member. Otherwise an accident waiting to happen - why take the risk?

  12. PA to The Dame13 June 2013 at 21:55

    The Dame is eager to receive any photographs of the K&C Cabinet member snorting coke


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