Thursday 27 June 2013


The Al Thani tribe.... from the deserts of Arabia, have continued the ruination of Harrods started by Al the sadness of all those with nostalgic memories of this once great store.
And it's not just Harrods they have ruined. 

Residents now have to endure the spoilt and vulgar Al Thani offsprings roaring around K'bridge, in their supercars, until the early hours of the morning, stopping residents getting a decent night's sleep.
But we must not complain too much.....
Our Mayor, Mr Johnson, has become Al Thani's new best friend so we have to grin and bear the antics of this vulgar, show off family.
Well done the Met! They show that though we may be financial slaves of the Al Thani clan, they need to respect our laws.

How the once mighty have fallen.... We are now in thrall to this desert tribe whose view of human rights is risible.

The £350,000 supercar(below) was impounded by police in Knightsbridge, after its owner - believed to be 24-year-old Nasser Al-Thani, a member of Qatar's ruling family - failed to produce a licence or correct insurance documents. It's time the new ruler showed us respect by ordering his family to behave....just as we would be expected to behave if we were,(heaven forbid) in Doha.


  1. The Al Thani family snigger at us and treat us with contempt

  2. Oh but Dame, not to worry, don't you remember that Cllr Barkhordar stated very clearly that he would deal with this problem? I'm sure he's on to it already.

    1. Bark (without the bite) horder is worse than useless

  3. Stand Up For Britain27 June 2013 at 23:28

    On a recent evening visit to Hans Place I was appalled by the racket of loud super cars racing around aimlessly. I used to visit Riyadh on business and noticed at the time that wealthy Arabs have nothing to do in the evenings so they drive around in circles in their large cars talking to other cars on their mobile phones. Quite comical to watch. This culture now seems to be uprooted to Knightsbridge in the summer months - the reptiles bring their expensive cars to London by aeroplane, tune them up for maximum noise, and race around prime London real estate reducing the quality of life to tribal levels. Simply dreadful.

    Three cheers for knacker of the yard - may he seize and crush many more Lamborghinis

    1. Kensington Tory27 June 2013 at 23:31

      The Brompton Ward Councillors (Marshall, Barkhorder and Moseley) should be speaking out against this abuse of English culture and running a media campaign to shame the Arab visitors

    2. Wishful thinking. Cllr Barkhorder has let it be known that his Arab brethren are off limits in case they make life difficult for his family back home. And the other two Councillors "don't do" campaigning. They are puffers

    3. Refer to Cllr Fielding-Mellen please

  4. Stand Up For Britain28 June 2013 at 09:29

    It is time for Cllr Barkhorder to be moved from Brompton Ward to a different Ward in the Borough. Brompton is the center of Arabic nuisance in K&C. Be it the controversial Iranian car park in Queensgate, the Qatari ownership of Harrods (a step by step destruction of a great British institution) or the sundry unruly Arabs speeding around Knightsbridge in vulgar, loud motor cars, Barkhorder has a huge conflict of interest. He has intimated to colleagues that he cannot "take on the Arabs" for fear of reprisals to family members in Iran.

    Cllr Paget-Brown, this is a personnel matter that requires urgent attention

    1. Barhorder does sound like a most inappropriate selection for Brompton Ward. Part of the Cockell legacy

  5. What on earth is a 24 year old doing driving around in a £350,000 supercar? Have we all gone mad?

    Standing orders to the MEt need to be amended.
    (i) cars being driven without insurance to be seized and crushed
    (ii) drivers under 25 in £350,000 cars also to seized and crushed

    The Arabs are barbaric at heart and only understand rough justice. To quote Boris, "The rebels in Iraq kill their enemies, cut them up, and eat them".

  6. This anti social behaviour in Knightsbridge has been going on for too long. It is well documented. Even the useless Cllr Barkhorder pledged in his election address to solve the problem. At the time he was desperate for votes and was prepared to promise anything but in the time honoured tradition of too many Tory Councillors, everything is promised but nothing is delivered. Posing and puffing is what the rat pack like to do.

  7. There are new strict laws against anti social behaviour, with harsh penalties. The laws came about because of binge drinking in City centers. Councillors and the police need to get tough and use the deterrents that they have at their disposal. The Brompton Ward Councillors need to make this happen.

    No excuses.

    1. Come on Barkhorder. Do something useful for a change. Give your residents a return for the money that they pay you. Stop being a token - or whatever it is you purport to be.

  8. What an extremely vulgar looking motor car. Says everything about its owner. No surprise that this family is destroying Harrods. All the money in the world but they just do not know better. No breeding

    1. Sloane Square Veteran28 June 2013 at 11:41

      Would you let your daughter marry one of those? That is the litmus test

    2. Lord Kensington28 June 2013 at 12:15

      Rum business

  9. The Dame has been running this thread about Arab social abuse in Knightsbridge for the last three years. It is clear that the Ward Councillors are failing badly in their duty. They do nothing. The Metropolitan police have taken a lead and are cracking down. I am sure that they would appreciate some vocal support from Cllr Marshall, Cllr Moseley and Cllr Barkhorder. Get on with it, guys

    1. The Councillors could do a Press Release to the Kensington and Chelsea Chronicle for a start. Camilla would run with it and for once the hugely expensive PR Department in Hornton Street (£600k per year) would be doing something useful instead of chirping on about "grass flowers" in our Parks

  10. Kensington Resident28 June 2013 at 13:21

    I hope the Al Thani family, and the Qatari Ambassador, have read this blog

    1. Don't be silly. The Ambassador is a stooge and would not dare to mention anything of an untoward nature to the Al Thani ruling family. He would lose his job and be locked up. Its the way these savages behave.

    2. Fly On The Wall29 June 2013 at 09:52

      I am told that the Al Thani elders are illiterate

    3. Correct. Oil money and Bedouin tents. No education.

  11. Tory with UKIP sympathies28 June 2013 at 22:22

    The Brompton Ward councillors should be campaigning to preserve our culture and way of life from foreign infidels

  12. Time for British people to take a stand and stop this stupid behaviour

  13. The Dame deserves a statement from the Ambassador to Qatar. This blog casts his country in a very bad light.


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