Saturday 18 May 2013


Pounding the streets in support of Cameron and cronies is, as any local activist will tell you, hard and unrewarding work. So when a headline article appears in the Telegraph describing how a close aide and friend of the Prime Minister described those canvassers and fund raisers as 'swivel eyed loons' one can imagine the frontline troops getting as mad as cut snakes.
The Telegraph says Party chiefs are under huge pressure to reveal the name of idiot.
The Dame's little site is pathetic compared to that of Guido Fawkes so she hopes Paul won't mind if she  lifts his curious email to Lord Feldman, one of Cameron's close buddies.....make of it what you will. This is latest from the DTswivel eyed loons

From: Guy Fawkes <>
Date: Sat, May 18, 2013 at 10:54 AM
Subject: Swivel Eyed Loons

Dear Andrew,

Could you be so kind as to give me anon the record quote condemning those who describe your party members as 
"swivel eyed loons"?

Thanks in advance.
Editor Guido Fawkes' Blog

Still no response…


  1. I do like Order-Order, much better than the hornet as it is not written by Labour Councillors.

    It also puts the boot into BBC, The Guardian, socialists and ALL Politicians.

    5 new articles a day well worth a read

  2. For once I agree. Order Order is of outstanding quality...the Dame aspires to the same quality.
    Had you ever thought that the tone of the Dame is hardly that of a typical Labour cllr?
    You might have noticed that Cllr Dezzie and Cllr Judith have both had stick from the wonderful have all the Lib Dems,
    So use your brain and imagination and try to understand that were Labour or Lib Dems running K&C the Dame would probably be attacking their leadership. The point about this blog is to expose the corruption that exists when any party has been dominant, year in, year out. And think too how the Dame frequently pats certain Conservative on the back for their integrity. Try to open your mind a bit.

    1. You do talk B*llock* Hornet.

      Dezzie is the number one target to get the chop from the Labour Group and after that Hoier. As Cllr Blakeman is one of your editors (if not you) then she has to try and muddy the waters to look as if it is not her with unimportant stories.

      Why don't you talk about the Labour Councillor with a serious mental disorder, or the Labour Councillor who F****d an MP to death, or the Labour Councillor who cannot stop telling lies on the doorstep.

      No these three people will not be talked about because they are all friends of your.

    2. If thinks you mean Bollocks's plural-unless you are exceptional in that regard.
      My goodness me these Labour types seem quite un Dame like....particularly the one who caused the death of an MP. Was it a Tory one? As for the one telling lies on the doorstep...well, I thought all politicians lied on doorsteps.
      No, the Dame would rather have Rock's mother drill a hole in her head than vote Labour!

    3. It appears Matthew is not only shaken...but stirred.

  3. The liar - is that the one who told voters on the doorstep that if they voted for him he would get their children into Holland Park School?

  4. No, 18.14 - that was someone who was then elected as a Tory and found he couldn't get people's children into Holland Park School.

  5. As one of the few non-Tories in the Rotten Borough, I find all this acrimony fascinating. It's obvious that the Dame is a fairly right wing Tory with an strong sense of fair play, and she is not alone.

    Observing the various council rackets the Dame has exposed, a Conservative friend grumbles: "You don't have to be a crook to be a Tory." Quite. The Dame holds Labour and the Lib Dems to the same standard, but since neither has power in K & C, they are a far smaller target.

    1. Thank you 10:01

      I could not have put better myself. I think the rot set in the days of the hallowed Nicholas Freeman....the leader of K&C who smashed to pieces the Victorian Town Hall to circumvent a Protection Order and then proceeded to Cockell who thought he could use taxpayer's money to fund his travels-despite grabbing huge allowances. I maybe old fashioned, but I believe that national politics intrude detrimentally in the running of local authorities. I really have no doubt that were Labour or Lib Dem in power I would be running a similar campaign-but they are not so don't tend to become targets.

    2. Cllr Blakeman you must not speek ill of the dead

    3. Why not? How about the saintly part time preacher, Andrew Dalton and his young boy friend tucked away in a West End flat...hypocrite.
      And Palmer.... speak not speek. Do you wnat to tell us about Australian phone calls or shall I spill the beans

    4. please doo

    5. I already have DOONE idiot...put 2 and 2 together....if that is not too difficult

  6. This is a serious debate about real issues. So who is the nutter who keeps interrupting? Can we please return to the issue, which is Guido Fawkes email above.

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  11. Says it all really. Cameron is a pathetic toff who gets off on being PM for the thrill of it. These exchanges are typical of the chatter with his mates who currently run the Tory Party. He cares not a jot for the man in the street.

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