Friday 10 May 2013



UKIP targeting Tory seats in Kensington & Chelsea
·       By Camilla Horrox
·       Mar 11 2013

UKIP leader Nigel Farage

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has set his sights on the Conservative stronghold of Kensington and Chelsea.

He has also condemned projects like the new £100million Holland Park School and the £23m spent on repaving Exhibition Road last year branding the 'Conservative Cockell administration' as being 'divorced' from resident's values.
Following UKIP's success at the Eastleigh parliamentary by-election, beating Conservatives into third place, the party is focussing on winning Conservative seats across the country.
Nigel Farage said: "For years Conservatives have dominated councils like Kensington and Chelsea because the only alternative was Labour. All the evils of monopoly manifest themselves over the years and these councils become the pet projects of a self-satisfied group divorced from resident values and wishes.
"There is a massively disaffected Conservative vote in the borough. A resurgent UKIP shares many of the same values as the traditional Conservative voter. UKIP are aghast at the Tower Hamlets type profligacy of the ‘Conservative’ Cockell administration. Spending £100 million on the new Holland Park School costing twice what it should and offering not one extra place is bad business. Similarly, £23 million on pink granite imported from China to tart up Exhibition Road smacks of total disrespect to hard pressed taxpayers. For the first time in a long while UKIP offers Kensington and Chelsea Tories an alternative."His comments about the Royal Borough come hot on the heels of a Labour budget amendment which included plans to scrap 'loss making and expensive luxuries' such as Holland Park Opera and Leighton House museum.
The amendment was thrown out at the meeting last week as a budget entailing no increase in Council Tax was passed by a majority Conservative vote.
The party came only 1,700 votes short of winning Eastleigh, which would have given it its first seat in Parliament.
Last week Mr Farage hinted that he would be willing to strike an electoral alliance with the Conservatives, but only if David Cameron was replaced as party leader


  1. Conservative Councillors, and our new Leader Cllr Paget-Brown had better sit up and take note. Nigel Farage seems to be very well informed about the goings on in Kensington and Chelsea.

    1. Farage looks good, dresses well, is quick on his feet and talks basic Conservative values. Just what the Royal Borough needs

  2. Lord Kensington10 May 2013 at 20:21

    Good Lord! This is a shot across the bow

    1. Damned right Milord

    2. Stand Up For Britain10 May 2013 at 21:14

      Bring it on, Nigel

  3. For decades K & C Conservatives have believed themselves untouchable. This led to a dangerous sense of entitlement. The Tories were mistaken. No one is untouchable; particularly in the internet age.

    UKIP's statement will shake Hornton Street to its very foundations. NPB may well have an interesting time of it.

    The Dame can now take a brief, but well earned rest. She can sit back in her elegant chair, champagne glass in hand, to watch the drama unfold.

    1. Take a well earned rest, dear Dame. The fact is that you and your merry band of Hornets have shaken the Borough in a way that it has not been shaken before. The dreadful Phelps sent packing. The self serving Cockell drummed out. The awful Moylan neutered. Your investigative spirit cast a bright light in some dark corners and exposed the corruption of the Cockell era. The Hornet is now an established part of the political life of K&C - long live the Dame, her supporters and her informers

  4. UKIP in K&C is the right time and place. It is a no brainer

  5. I, along with many other disaffected Tories who are fed up of the likes of Merrick Cockell and David Cameron for that matter, I am sure will see the UKIP as the credible alternative to voting Conservative in the future unless things improve significantly at RBK&C and Hornton Street; Nick Paget-Brown please note.

  6. Incredible points. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the amazing work.

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