Thursday 16 May 2013


Fortunately this could never happen here in the Rotten Borough. Sensibly, we pay our Conservative councillors such whopping great allowances and SRA's it would not make financial sense to put their principles before pound notes....clever old Pooter!

EXCLUSIVE: Councillors quit, calling David Cameron ‘reed in the wind

Leader: David Cameron was called “wishy-washy” by one of the four Merton councillors

Four London councillors have quit the Conservative party, with one today attacking David Cameron’s leadership as like “a reed in the wind”.
In a new blow to the Prime Minister’s authority, three members of the group told the Evening Standard they are considering defecting to Ukip because of its tougher stance on Europe and  immigration.
The fourth criticised Mr Cameron for “wishy-washy” leadership and for giving Lib-Dems too much influence.
All are serving members of Merton Borough Council and include former Tory group leader Richard Hilton and deputy group leader Suzanne Evans. They resigned the whip at a meeting last night.
Hillside councillor Miss Evans said: “Ukip is a tremendous threat and anyone who denies it is an idiot. The party has got backbone and is prepared to stand up for what it believes in.
“They don’t behave like a reed in the wind, which is how some people at the top of the Conservatives behave. Obviously I include David Cameron in that.”
She added: “Ukip is now more Conservative than the Conservatives. Nigel Farage said if Baroness Thatcher was still running the party there wouldn’t be a need for Ukip. I agree with him.” 
The exodus follows a torrid time for Conservatives at Merton, who have had three different leaders this year, and comes a year before crucial London Borough elections.
The disgruntled councillors say they became fed up with “dirty” infighting and local leaders who backed liberal policies.
Lower Morden councillor Mr Hilton said: “I am considering joining Ukip, but I haven’t made a decision yet. I do agree with an awful lot of what they are campaigning for particularly controlling immigration. On the EU the Conservatives have unfortunately not offered a vote before the next election.”
Raynes Park councillor Rod Scott also said he had not finalised a decision to join Ukip, but added: “I agree largely with what they stand for.”
Conservatives nationally are reeling after losing dozens of council seats to Ukip in elections a fortnight ago amid increasing grassroots discontent.
Ukip is also expected by many to come first in European elections next year. Leader Mr Farage said: “It’s obvious to us that at national, regional and local level, Cameron’s Conservatives are at sixes and sevens. This group at Merton Borough Council are another example of this. I admire their spine. My phone is always switched on.”


  1. The Dame is tremendously influential. There is no question that Horton Street is terrified of her. She has created a revolution. Long before Pooter announced his retirement the old, swaggering Town Hall style had gone. PB is decidedly uninspiring, but has more sense than to be openly dismissive of those he perceives as Tory leaning residents. on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP

  2. Pathetic,irrelevant little blog on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP7 replies.

  3. Four Reasons why you are so wrong and so right to be angry! 14:21 1. The Dame has 600/750 interested readers popping on a weekly basis 2. Virtually every councillor....Con, Lab & Lib Dem read it avidly 3. Over 100 officers delve into the Dame 4. And you, yourself are a frequent visitor so it must be highly relevant to you. And so yes, you can be justifiably angry and the Dame and crew's success!! on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP

  4. Could Hornet prove any of the above 4 1 No you have the same few people looking at the web site 10 times a day. 2 No most of the Cabinet do not look at the site, if there is something they need to know one Councillor seems to know a great deal more than anyone else. Some Councillors have come to the conclusion that the only people who look at this web site are S** F*****s and a few members of staff. In the real world nobody cares 3 How can the Hornet know if a viewing is from an officer, more rubbish. 4 I admit it, I look at this page every day and I am a S** F*****, but then I used to be a PR specialist, made a lot of money, drunk too much, beat up women, and have a nasty collection of photos. on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP

  5. "I'd Tell You But Then I'd Have To Kill You"...but seriously Cllr Palmer stop worrying so much...just trust the Dame. Remember how she discovered that a certain name no pack drill...racked up a £500 bill on telephone calls from the Association offices....there are just no secrets from her. Would you like her to reveal the name of the miscreant? on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP

    1. I really think that Cllr Palmer should not press the Dame too hard on matters of the telephone

  6. Cllr Palmer If the Hornet is of such little influence you must stop letting it preoccupy you so. Your anger is so palpable it forces you to comment using the most frightful 'toilet talk'! If you feel have an addiction issue(drinking too much) you could talk to a particular senior member of the Cabinet. He might be able to assist. Or, if you are worried about your 'nasty collection of photos' have a word with ex Cllrs Lamont and Phelps....they may be happy to do some 'swops' with you.....both being collectors of virulently nasty photos. Got to hop....things to do! on LONDON COUNCILLORS CONSIDERING SKIP TO UKIP

  7. Poor chap. Just too little in his sad life.

  8. The Dame is quite right to air these issues on the Hornet for the benefit of residents, Officers and Councillors. It is one of the few (maybe ONLY) source of informed political debate and information at the local Government level in Kensington and Chelsea.

    It has been brought to the Dame's attention that a large number of Councillors are irritated that the Hornet has been banned form the Hornton Street website. Councillors therefore need to access the information from their private email addresses or in the case of the older and IT illiterate members (Cllr Holt is a case in point) they have to request friends to forward the latest Hornet story. This inconvenience and blatant suppression of press freedom that was instigated by Cllr Cockell when he was Leader should be a thing of the past. The new Leader, Cllr Paget-Brown, should have the confidence to restore press freedom in Hornton Street and allow Councillors and Officers to access the Dame's thinkings and rantings on the Council website

  9. Restore democracy to Kensington and Chelsea

  10. Kensington Tory17 May 2013 at 09:53

    A long life to the Dame and her bees nest

  11. The above comments have been deleted by someone with editorial control, and then re-submitted, with additions / deletions changing the meaning of the submission.

    This can only be done by the editors of Hornet and therefore this site has gone from pro-free speech to Dictatorship.

    As has been said "scratch a Socialist you find a Fascist"

    1. Inspector Palmer is ranting again. The silly Councillor knows how to pepper the Hornet with spam (which the Administrator removes) and then the hapless Cllr Palmer makes a protest that "free speech" is being interfered with.

    2. The above comments, you silly fellow, have been deleted in line with the Dame's desire to keep the site free of spam. Now Cllr Palmer...behave yourself

  12. Still no denying that there has been comments...

    "deleted by someone with editorial control, and then re-submitted, with additions / deletions changing the meaning of the submission."


    Not Cllr Palmer, but I will send him an email

    1. Why obviously have a split personality.
      If, in your paranoia, you feel your comment/s have deleted then re-submit. The Dame doesn't ....unlike the unlamented censorship.
      Oh and by the way, having described the blog as irrelevant and unread you seem to spend a lot of time obsessing about it!!

  13. wrong person, again, not me, I do not think this blog is "irrelevant"

    I find it a very good guide for what the Labour party and a wife beating PR expert are thinking.

    1. So tell us who the 'wife beating PR expert'?
      And you must be really dumb to think it a Labour blog. If it were why would it have revealed to Private Eye the curious contact the Labour leader had with Cllr Ahern. I think you need to make an appointment with Doc Tannock, our trick cyclist and MEP! Off you go Palmer and pay your Aussie phone bills...

    2. Hornet your Grammar is very poor - You must be Cllr Palmer (Ha ha).

      As for your Labour stance. Well you backed Livingstone for Mayor, Aired a Labour PPB for the change of the election system. Numerous Labour Candidates for unwinable by-elections always seem to have posed for a photo that only you get - funny that. etc etc etc

      The bottom line is that you are a collection of spineless Labour Councillors who are too weak to use your real names who have been using this facility to attack the Conservative administration. A facility made possible by an angry resident who knows something about using new media but has lost his compass and is working with you twats.

    3. 19:22
      You must be joking.
      Labour Councillors do not have the intelligence or spunk to do anything as imaginative as setting up the Hornet's Nest and challenging the Tory majority.
      Instead,Councillor Balkeman's policy of colluding with the Conservatives has led to the Labour Group becoming a total irrelevance and this is before Ukip come and consign them to oblivion for ever.


      no sorry they have always been that

  14. Well! The Dame has certainly raised a hornet's nest this time.

  15. The Dame is never happier when her harmless little blog stimulates such antipathy and anger.
    Her desired objective is to see a Majority Group able to successfully withstand the Ukip onslaught in May 2013....

    Now turning to 19:22 and this "Hornet your Grammar is very poor - You must be Cllr Palmer (Ha ha).'
    The Dame was always taught, at her rather grand finishing school, never to laugh at what one's own tedious jokes. Oh and by the way punctuation and spelling. Palmer...into the's un-winnable! The rest of your comment is unintelligible!
    "As for your Labour stance. Well you backed Livingstone for Mayor, Aired a Labour PPB for the change of the election system. Numerous Labour Candidates for unwinable by-elections always seem to have posed for a photo that only you get - funny that. etc etc etc"

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