Tuesday 21 May 2013


The Dame, in her wonderfully wise way, has always said of Cllr Tim Coleridge, “ He does not know how good he is.”

Certainly, in Chelsea he is hugely well regarded with many residents wondering why he did no push harder in the leadership stakes. 
But then Coleridge is the sort of fellow who would quail at the idea of calling colleagues up and bending their ear as to how brilliant he would be as leader..….just not his style, but something the ghastly Rocky had no compunction in doing.
Moylan? Well, yes but leopards etc...

Sensibly, Nick Paget-Brown has given Tim an important Cabinet post, but we will be expecting and demanding much more of Tim.

He has proven time and time again that he is on the side of residents and more than any other councilor he knows that dangerous days lie ahead.

As far as residents are concerned Tim Coleridge represents all that is good in public service….and that is something his Cabinet colleagues would do well to bear in mind. 


  1. Well said Dame...and not just appreciated in the South of the Borough...in the north too

  2. Clearly the Dame has a big crush on Tim

  3. The Dame is a clever old thing and knows quality

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  5. Tim Coleridge is not a broken man. He is an honourable man and no doubt his day will come if he wants it. His strength is listening to residents and getting things done for them, unlike Pooter and his snakepit.

    He understands what 'public service' means and does it, quietly. The Dame is wise and true to residents too, she is right to acknowledge Tim's dedication to the Royal Borough and all it should stand for.

    She is also right to let residents know what is happening in their name by Pooter and his slitherins!

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