Wednesday 1 May 2013



It seems Ukip are very keen Danny 'Boys' becomes Rotten Borough leader.

Their thinking is that it will take 'Boys' very little time to completely demolish Conservative resident support in the Borough and open the door to Ukip. 
One Ukip insider said, "Residents have long memories and will not forget Moylan's behaviour over Sloane Square."

Nigel Farage has already gone on the record as saying RBK&C is a prime Ukip target and that he believes residents will swing over to his party. 
Could we looking at Ukip holding the balance of power next year's election? 

Councillors should bear this in mind when considering their choices as leader. 
Danny Boys Moylan could be very bad for their electoral health.....


  1. Goodness me, the Dame is in overdrive. The old girl needs to watch her excitement levels. But she is quite right to raise the specter of UKIP - Cockell's dictatorship has alienated so many residents that there is already a soft underbelly of votes waiting for a real alternative

  2. Please! The Dame does not do overdrive. Only Top Gear

  3. Moylan has far more to answer for than his behaviour over Sloane Square. Boris, TfL and the Olympic people have all found him intolerable.

    If his fellow councillors vote such a notorious bully in as Leader, they will knowingly have imposed him on residents. They will not be forgiven.

    He already knows no bounds. As Leader he will be uncontrollable. We have seen the years of effort required to evict a flawed RBKC Leader. The councillors have been warned.

  4. As the dust settles and people are prepared to speak openly, it is ever more clear just what a disaster the Cockell years have been. A frightened little man shut up in his plush office speaking only to the few who he thought would not threaten him. Listening to dubious statistics about resident 'satisfaction', the party machine filtering out any unfavourable comment. The sycophantic few trying to bolster his faultering ego.

    No wonder UKIP feel that this is fertile ground.

    1. 'dubious statistics about resident satisfaction'. Yes we know which senior and overpaid officer comes up with this nonsense.

  5. Moylan needs a figure of hate that he can engage with and bully. Mrs Thatcher did too (Ken Livingstone for one). Margaret and James Thomson (who successfully fought off the Sloane Square stupidity) gave Moylan a much needed foe to wage war against. Much more important than changes to the road system of Soaone Square. UKIP might be just the thing for him - a massive hate sink that he could rage against.

  6. Moylan was way ahead of UKIP - I have a pamphlet written by Moylan saying why we should not go into the ERM for the ASI.

    He was right - Thatcher was wrong

    1. The guy is bright. No question about that. But a disastrous human being

  7. Anger Manager1 May 2013 at 11:39

    Fellow councillors should be wary that Moylan needs hate figures if he is going to be able to function. If targets like UKIP and the Labour Group do not interest him he will turn on "nice" people like Paget-Brown and Coleridge and make their lives hell. Just like Geoffrey Howe got it in the neck from Mrs T. A useful early target could be the Lib flops. Caruanha would be welcome bully fodder

    1. Supporter of Moylan1 May 2013 at 11:48

      Tough times require a tough Leader. What you see with Daniel is what you get. And there is always the safety valve. Councillors can vote him out next year. Or the year after that if he fails to come up with the goods

    2. Slaone Square Veteran1 May 2013 at 11:51

      Where does Moylan stand on Holland Park Opera? On SRAs? And the Chief Executive salary? And the £170 million reserve. And will he pledge to have no more Exhibition Roads in the next 10 years? Will he also pledge to experiment with a little bit of humility? Even a tiny bit would be spectacular

    3. Moylan what is required and if slected (god forbid) he will be impossible to shift. The answer is not to vote for him in the first place. The man is bad news.

  8. Tactics will be all important for this election. Moylan's core vote will be rock solid but not enough to win outright. There will probably be a run off after one of the three falls away. The likely early casualty is Fielding-Mellen. Paget-Brown needs to figure out how he will attract the Fielding-Mellen vote. Moylan will bribe them with offers of high office.

    Unless of course a cracked up Mellen does a successful David Cameron and sways the voters his way at the hustings. What a theatrical shame that Cllr Elizabeth Campbell will not be on stage to do her Margaret Thatcher impersonation

    1. A crucial factor for Paget-Brown is where Coleridge and Ahern plant their flags. These signals will be of paramount importance

    2. Assuming that the poodles recognise a signal when they see one and are not blinded by greed and the promise of preferment. Small electorates are prone to corruption and this election is taking place in secret without scrutiny from the wider body of Kensington and Chelsea Conservative members. The Borough is still living in the Stone Age

    3. Kensington Tory1 May 2013 at 12:16

      48 voters and 30 jobs on offer, many with sky high SRAs. This was the basis of Cockell's patronage society and the Conservative Party is not taking the opportunity to break the mould. Mathew Carrington WHERE ARE YOU??

  9. In the tougher 1930s a sophisticated European nation elected an unsuitable candidate because he was seen as strong.

    The council cabinet system runs on bribery and bullying. There is no democracy in the Rotten Borough. If this is ever to change, it has to be Paget-Brown, unfortunately.

  10. rockys campaign is weak, nothing to read, nothing to hear, nothing to say

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. It strikes me that this overblown authority is not exactly spoiled for choice in picking a new leader.

    Now, where is Barbara Campbell? She would knock things in to shape.

    1. Fly On The Wall1 May 2013 at 17:15

      Babs is after a quiet life. Wants to represent nearer to home which is in Peel Street

  12. Oh dear, Warwick has fired off a four page letter and copied all the councillors in - and still Rock has not produced anything worth reading.

    Rock has hit the rocks

    1. I suspect there is a crack in Rock's strategy

  13. can I see this 4 page letter please - I am told it stuffs the Labour party

    1. High time too. Cockell's overtly friendly relations seduced them into becoming alternative poodles

  14. not likely on this blog - it is run by the same Labour councillors Lightfoot is attacking

    1. Poor old Palmer, never gets it, does he? Lightfoot is defending people with overseas trusts that avoid tax. Poor, poor Palmer. Very sad.


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