Friday 26 April 2013



You have to hand it to Danny 'Boys' Moylan...

In his attempt to become leader Moylan blusters on about his record in Local Government and his great successes at the GLA....his claims do not bear close scrutiny.
He tells us, 
"I have a clear vision for a new kind of council centered on helping local people achieve their ambitions" and 
"I want to ensure that the residents of Kensington & Chelsea are freed to pursue their aspirations."

What on earth has Cllr Moylan got to do with our aspirations? Our aspiration is for a leader who, unlike Council Moylan, will not waste our money on damned fool projects, such as the near £28 million Exhibition Rd...rapidly decaying and increasingly filthy. Who forced this through-against the wishes of residents.....none other than Cllr Moylan!

And we should also remember it was Moylan who 'drove' the Chelsea Care fiasco causing a £1million loss to local taxpayers. So much for looking after residents!

And let us not forget how Cllr Moylan spent tens of thousands of pounds of council tax money fighting the thousands of residents defending their beloved Sloane Square.

Moylan despises residents. 
Oh... and lest we forget.... Moylan is currently collecting somewhere in the region of £110,000 a year. If the worst happens and he bullies enough councillors to vote for him he will be on close to £180,000 a year...that will be a real national scandal.


  1. but he is a very amusing speaker

    1. Have dinner with him then Palmer, but don't vote for him.

      He holds most of his colleagues in total disdain, and cannot abide you for a start!

  2. Moylan would be very very foolish to pursue this. I don't think he is up to the public scrutiny he would attract.

    His reputation is appalling - and some of it is indeed true.

    On the positive side, he doesn't stand a snowball's ...

    1. his reputation with YOU that is, with others is quite different

    2. 18:07
      Are you talking about his reputation in South Africa where he did what he called his "Government Service"
      What sort of "servicing" would that have been? hahahahahaha

    3. prove it, as all you have are lies which is why you will not use your real name

    4. I have seen the papers!!!!!

  3. More smears, no facts, no names

  4. Fromfirsthandexperience26 April 2013 at 18:45

    Moylan is a disgrace. He's a bully who openly despises everyone he considers less powerful than himself. He's unfit for the position of councillor.

  5. he despises spineless bloggers who are not prepared to debate him face to face

    1. What is there to debate...are any of the facts contained in the Dames's piece untrue? No, thought not. And stop being an idiot...the point of blogs is to be anonymous.
      Will Mr Moyal admit he had 'difficulties' in SA?

  6. I well remember the comment I heard him make once, when told that the resident's would not like a particular policy. His response.. "The Royal Borough can always get more residents".

  7. where and when please

    1. It sounds just the sort of crass remark he might make

  8. This is Moylan at his best. On the attack. What you see is what you get. He is laying out his stall and will debate it with anyone. And the poodles will flock to strong Leadership after the fourteen year vacuum of Cockell. The "buggins turn" alternatives like Coleridge and Paget-Brown don't stand a chance. They found out how to toe the line and smile when receiving Cockell patronage. But the rough stuff of campaigning is not their strength. They have not the first clue. And patrician Colerdige would choke rather than talk himself up - pity he went to such a hopeless school.


  9. Fly On The Wall26 April 2013 at 20:47

    All we need is candidates. Candidates to break the monopoly/patronage mould. Candidates to give us a shot at democracy. Alternatives to choose from. Close your eyes and there is no difference between Coleridge, Brown and Ahern. Boy Rocky is a boy and Elizabeth Thatcher Campbell is an impersonator. Without Borwick and Mills in the fray it will be Moylan. RIP

  10. Friend Of Dorothy26 April 2013 at 20:49

    He will laugh off the little African difficulties. Diversions in an otherwise boring period of his life.

  11. When will Coleridge pull his finger out? Get a Press Officer? (Whats that??) Put a Manifesto on the web? (Whats that???)


  13. Moylan's Manifesto is very powerful. Reads very well. He has obviously been reading the Hornet and has adopted most of the Dame's ideas. But can we trust him? How many more Exhibition Roads will we have to suffer? How many more Sloane Square threats will there be? Moylan should do some blogging on the Hornet and give us a chance to question him. Has he got the confidence to engage?

  14. A frightening prospect for Hornton Street

    1. Could this be the beginning of the end for Mr Bore?

    2. Yes please! Vote Moylan in and Bore out.

  15. Much thought has gone into Moylan's Manifesto. Up front, hard work. And probably many drafts circulated to his "inner group" of Councillors like Buffy Buckmaster. In contrast, all we see and hear from Coleridge is idiot mutterings to the local rag about the outgoing calamity and an even more crass statement along the lines of "I am considering my position". Well boyo, the world moved on and its time for you to wake up. Tell us what you are made of.

    1. Friend Of Dorothy26 April 2013 at 21:12

      Good for Danny. First Mover advantage

  16. Friend of the People26 April 2013 at 21:21


    Your readers just don't see what is happening. The only person to lead K&C is N P-B. The young out-of-work no hopers are all uniting behind Child Rocky who has promised to fast track them into the Cabinet. This is exactly what they want to hear as most of them are incapable of holding down a real job in the real world. If the old guard insist on standing against one another, then this inexperienced light weight will become the next leader. Pooter was dreadful but you ain't seen nothing yet. Vote Rocky, vote disaster. People will say - how could we have let this happen? So now you know.

    1. Wont happen. Rocky will be eliminated in the First Round run off.

  17. Elections are funny things. Could be a Rocky v Moylan final.

  18. Coleridge doesn't seem to be promoting himself and I think he hasn't been helped by both of his Save Sloane Square colleagues leaving the Council in 2010


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