Wednesday 17 April 2013


In this Borough we are fortunate in having some highly effective resident and amenity associations. 
They are frequently led by committed and capable surprise considering the calibre of most Borough residents. 
When the Dame, in an idle moment, started her little blog she had no idea it would become the 'go to place' for residents wanting to understand the Acton dictum of  'absolute power tending to corrupt absolutely'. With over 600 visits weekly the Hornet is a powerful weapon in the fight for a Hornton St Springclean.

The leadership election in May provides a remarkable opportunity for the many powerful Borough associations to lobby their ward councillors on what THEY consider to be 'right stuff' in a leader.

Choosing a dynamic and resident friendly successor to a stale and detached leader is an imperative.

It is within the power of resident and amenity association chairmen to make their views felt: if they fail to grab the opportunity they can expect more of the same-or worse. 

Councillors should be quizzed by their ward associations as to the qualities they seek in a new leader....... and our very clever associations are the very people to do the quizzing... and say who they feel is best to lead the Council out of the impasse it finds itself in.


  1. You can't build bricks without straw and there ain't no straw.

  2. In addition to Cllr Lightfoot canvassing for support, Cllr Coleridge has written a silly note saying that "he is thinking of standing". Everyone knows that he intends to stand so why pussyfoot like this? What we are seeing is the traditional approach in Hornton Street to "fix things behind closed doors".

    What we need is an Open Selection. Something that is increasingly being used by the Conservative Party. All candidates turn up to an open meeting of Association Members, present their case, get asked questions, and then there is a vote.

    1. Good idea. The poodles alone cannot be relied upon.

  3. What K&C needs to avoid at all costs is an election of "Its My Turn Now". This is what it is shaping up to be. Senior Cllrs Lightfoot, Ahern and Coleridge who have put in years of SRA troughing feel that the Borough "owes them" and they are therefore qualified to step into the dead man's shoes.

    But after years of decline into the self serving Cockell fiefdom what is NOT REQUIRED is more of the same. What K&C needs is discontinuity. A Leader who will break with the past and drive through much needed change. Just like Mrs T did in 1979

    1. Tory Councillors should take note

  4. Cllr Mills is not tainted by the past. Never had her fingers in the till. And has the presence to carry the position. Lots of female intuition and common sense too.

  5. This is a Thatcher moment in K&C. The last thing we need is another "Ted Heath"

  6. Fly On The Wall18 April 2013 at 12:00

    Inspector Palmer is strangely quiet. Worrying

    1. Working on Lightfoot's campaign no doubt....

  7. The succession is not shaping up well. The usual lack of democracy. "My Mate The Builder" observed to me:

    Stitch Up Election
    Coleridge the only Candidate

    Toss A Coin Election
    Coleridge and Ahern as candidates

    Stave Off Lunacy Election
    Ahern Coleridge and Lighfoot as candidates

    Breath Of Fresh Air Election
    Mills, Ahern, Coleridge and Lightfoot as candidates

    1. Good analysis. The hopeless hopefuls could narrow the field by doing a deal with the front runners to stand aside in return for a Cabinet position.

  8. The problem is that most of the bloggers don't really have more than a superficial knowledge of the candidates. Local government tends to attract the unemployable. None of the so called front runners have any management experience and I would not give any of them a job. Mills is a great girl. She was a wonderful Mayor but a hopeless manager. I would plead with Borwick to make the sacrifice and take the job. She is an excellent experienced manager and popular with everyone except Pooter and the Inspector. What better recomendation could you have than be disliked by them. Two very unpleasant people.

  9. Borwick would be ace. Those putting out feelers to see what their chances are include Moylan, Ahern, Coleridge, Lightfoot and Buxton (F). So it is quite clear that Borwick should be the one. She will have to bite the bullet and put aside the London Deputy Mayoral role that she got most unexpectedly. In the longer term, leading K+C is a far better career move - although she will have a huge mess to clear up first.

  10. What a terrific opportunity to run a consult the people campaign

    Cell: 07799647160

  11. Moylan is beyond the pale. Ahern publicly refers to residents as children and avoids them where possible. Lightfoot shouts at residents who question his views. Depressing.


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