Friday 1 March 2013


It’s the talk of the town….last night a member of the K&C 
Conservative Association was arraigned before a kangaroo court presided over by Grand Panjandrum chairman, Matthew Carrington.The court, more formally known as the Executive Council, has responsibility for meting out ruthless justice to those who ‘go native.’
The defendant, a Mr Billy James, was hauled, in chains, before Mr Carrington and fellow judges and accused of bringing the Party into disrepute….no sniggering please.

Anyway, the charge against  Billy was that he had sent a highly charged letter to the Mail on Sunday containing some very choice allegations against our fragrant agent, top to tail Louis Vuitton clad, Spanish hotelier, Jonathan Frazer-Howells. This is a fascinating comment.... clearly from someone who knows the inside track.
"I used to be a K&C Conservative member and postholder before leaving due to my perception that something was not right. I remember Billy James - a longstanding Conservative, senior businessman and thoroughly nice man. I would believe his word over J F-H any day. If he is moved to have to go to the press there must be something seriously wrong. He should be reinstated and his concerns investigated - this is not a way to treat anyone. K&C is becoming a real disgrace to the Conservative Party."
And The Dame hears that there was much anger amongst members present at the way they were refused the opportunity to view the evidence and the manner in which Carrington bullied Billy.
Anyway, the Dame is conferring with her friends on the Standard so watch this space......
So far, the Dame has been unable to ascertain the nature of the ‘charges’ so if anyone can help her ‘get to the bottom’ of it all she will be full of gratitude.
The Court found Billy guilty as charged and his Party membership card was shredded before his tear filled eyes.


  1. The Dame is incredible.....Frazer-Howell's partner was sent to HMP for theft

  2. We need a Kensington spring. Frazer-Howells is a disgrace.

  3. I used to be a K&C Conservative member and postholder before leaving due to my perception that smething was not right. I remember Billy James - a longstanding Conservative, senior businessman and thoroughly nice man. I would believe his word over J F-H any day. If he is moved to have to go to the press there must be something seriously wrong. He should be reinstated and his concerns investigated - this is not a way to treat anyone. K&C is becoming a real disgrace to the Conservative Party.

  4. oh dear 10.33, what did Mrs FH nick then?

  5. 'Mrs' FH is Michael Asher I think. Yes what did he nick?

    1. Lots of money from the leaseholders' funds.....a common thief

    2. BLIMEY!Is JFH involved at all?

  6. No, but 1a seems to need a clear out

  7. No question of inpropriety by JFH, but Carrington badly let himself and the Conservative Party down. You do not ask some fairly simple people to kick someone out of the 'Club' on the basis of a letter that has been disclosed to the Press without telling the Star Chamber what the letter said. This is Stalinest 'justice' brought to K&C. Poor old Billy might have been at fault or might not have been at fault, but this is a clear denial of natural justice. Shame on you.

  8. The filth just keeps coming. The house that Cockell built.

  9. Fly On The Wall1 March 2013 at 18:44

    Carrington hates confrontation so someone must have prodded him hard.

    To date he seems to have been a fairly hopeless Chirman of K&C Conservatives and has held off tackling the problem of Prime Minister Cockell

  10. Person Familiar With The Situation1 March 2013 at 18:47

    Mathew Carrington will not fight a battle unless he is certain that he can win. But he is known to be disturbed by the "Cockell affair". And he is not much excited by the candidates who have let it be known that they could be interested in the K&C job

  11. Cant understand why Fraser-Howells is still around. Everyone who is anyone in the K&C Conservative Group (ending with Prime Minister Pooter) seems to hate him. Must be another one (like ex Cllr Phelps) with photographs

  12. What a prim little face. Looks like a hairdresser

  13. Its the side on pout, and the top button undone. Chelsea Manor version of "cool"

  14. A very contrived photo. Those carefully arranged locks......

  15. These personal attacks on JFH are quite disgraceful and Dame you must assert your authority to stop them. The fact that Mr Prime Minister Nasty dislikes JFH is greatly to JFH’s credit. Pooter’s enemies are the people’s friends.

    But we are getting away from what is really at stake here. A Kangaroo Court, a man condemned with no evidence, the ‘judges’ sitting silent and unquestioning and the chairman refusing to disclose the voting. This is democracy at work in Kensington and Chelsea; this is democracy at work in the Conservative Party. Mrs May was right when she described it as the Nasty Party.

  16. A pregnant Tory candidate quit after a senior party official(Frazer-Howells) said the sight of a pregnant woman’s stomach ‘made him sick’, it was claimed last night.
    The alleged remark enraged Joanne Cash, who is standing in Westminster North at the Election and is a prominent member of David Cameron’s army of ‘Cameron Cutie’ women Parliamentary candidates.

    Frazer-Howells is not a nice person and the fact that our PM doesn't like him is neither here nor there

    1. Joanne Cash is also not a nice person; she was not a great candidate in the last election! David Cameron was again at fault by parachuting an unwanted candidate into a very winnable seat and in the process upsetting the local association. This, I think resulted in the longstanding Chairwoman resigning and Labour holding the seat against the odds. David Cameron really needs to look at himself very closely and maybe stand aside and let some one else lead the party.

  17. The remark was manufactured and Joanne was a fine example of the Nasty Party in action. Personal, homophobic comments that are being made in this blog dishonour the Dame and having nothing to do with the lack of democracy in the Rotten Borough.

    1. He is a nasty piece of work. That's it. Nothing personal or homophobic

    2. You are Jonathan Frazer-Howells and I claim my £5!!!

  18. Chelsea Tory
    Yes, do stop talking rubbish. And when you do as useful a job as the Hornet we might take you seriously. I wouldn't go boasting about being a Chelsea are probably J F-H's mate!
    Not one homophobic comment has been made

    1. Actually Notory either your spelling is very poor and you education equally lacking or you are a marsupial mole. But never mind you are such a sad person and clearly get your kicks from wallowing in homophobic remarks. No I am straight, not a friend of JFH and in fact a very close friend of the Dame. Sadly too they would never let you in to the Chelsea Arts Club (good thing too), but if they did, you would see the Dame and me of an afternoon sipping Cristal and discussing how to restore democracy to the Rotten Borough and send people like you packing. Enjoy your sad prejudices whilst you can.

  19. But Cllr Cockell lists the Chelsea Arts Club as HIS club in Who's Who. I do hope no one is listening in to you and the Dame as you plot his downfall!

    1. Having someone like Sir Cockell as a member is not a great advertisment for the Arts Club. I thought the Arts Club was Bohemian and rather in the nicest way arty; the club has it's own excellent Cricket Club, who play at a beautiful ground at Dunsfold, Surrey. I cannot see Sir Cockell facing a bouncer can you?

  20. Fly On The Wall3 March 2013 at 09:14

    Jonathan Frazer-Howells has let it be known that he does not read the Hornet and has instructed friends not to forward links to him that promote the Hornet.

    1. Courtfield Watcher3 March 2013 at 09:22

      Venerable Cllr Tony Holt also despises the Hornet. He considers the Dame to be a pox on the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The aging representative for Courtfield Ward is currently over agitated by a basement excavation in his dwelling. An evil that he was too lazy to nip in the bud when this pernicious practice started in the Borough five years ago. Now, 2000 basements later, he knows the price of laziness



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