Tuesday 19 February 2013


The Dame likes to see professionalism in the local press. Camilla Horrox...newly arrived on the Kensington and Chelsea Chronicle....has written a great piece on Pooter's plans to take over Peterboro'.
Could it be that our PM might be considering moving there? Faint hope...they could not afford his huge allowance.
Anyway, read Camilla's excellent article
We need more smart,young investigative journalists like her.

The Dame will be inviting her to take tea at her favourite table at the Connaught. And, if you have good stories she is the 'go to' journo!


  1. I notice that the coverage on the Chronic is much more vibrant since Camilla arrived.

  2. Dame

    You are too modest. Something you scooped. Something Old Pooter was trying to keep very much out of the public eye, moving Labour voters out of Borough.

  3. This proposal from K&C to use tax payers money to build "affordable homes" in the country for K&C residents is an appalling interference with the market mechanism. Not even Tony Benn would make such lunacy.

    Is Cockell a Conservative? We need to be told

  4. Miss Horrox is a proper journalist. We must make the most of her as no doubt she will get snapped up in no time to work on a better paper.

    In the meantime we must be happy that the dear old Chronicle is getting a boost.

  5. scooped by dent coad. this is a labour blog.

    1. You are so boringly repetitive....

  6. Camilla Horrox's predecessor, Emma Heseltine, was also a very dedicated and switched on journalist who had concerns for those in the North of the Borough and not just in the more affluent South.

  7. It does not really matter who pooped the scoop. It is the story that matters. Gross misuse of tax payer funds. And one bloated Leader puffing himself up while strutting with lesser mortals in the North.

    On his processions around the Country as Leader of the LGA Prime Minister Pooter refers to "my Borough of Kensington and Chelsea". Who on earth bestowed this ownership on the prat?

  8. It's still a toothless paper not much news about Kensington and Chelsea and the Dame broke this story.

  9. The worst addition to the scene is the tooth and gumless K&C Toady. The Toady is a cut and paste job for the Council's Head of PR Fitzpatrick

  10. As far as I can see K&C today has few articles about the Royal Borough. However one saving grace is that there have been two excellent articles from one of the contributing editors who has written two sound articles about the talented and truly excellent Van Der Graaf Generator and Peter Hammill.
    Well done!


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