Thursday 14 February 2013


Merrick Cockell is a man on a mission…..his desperation to get his ample bottom onto the red leather of the Lords is the talk of the town.
His desperation is well based.  Even he realizes close colleagues are making treacherous noises hoping his fourteen years of misrule is drawing to a close.
Cockell’s hope was that he would be rewarded with a job in the Lords and a replacement income to make up for the lost £70,000 a year from RBK&C and £55,000 a year from the LGA quango.
Sadly, the prospects for our ‘Prime Minister’ look less than rosy, even though many of us are rooting for his peerage as the only way of getting rid of him.
The Dame has been enthralled by the BBC's Brain Doctor series. 
For those who have missed the documentary it explores the life-saving skills of child brain surgeon Jay Jayamohan and his team of fellow surgeons and nurses at John Ratcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
If one man deserves a peerage for his humanity and skill it’s the likes of this saintly man. Instead, we reward the likes of Cockell:it really makes one despair of this country.


  1. It was always thus. Creeps like Cockell will always be around with their greedy little paws held out

  2. Jay would rather have some funding for his hospital than a Peerage. What a difference to his task £30 million would have made instead of being spent on pink Chinese granite for Exhibition road

  3. Cockell with all his achievements does not deserve to sit in the Lords. It would be a travesty if he ever sets foot in the upper chamber. Having people like Sir Merrick lauding makes my blood boil and encourages even the most tolerant and level headed residents to understand why anarchy exists.

  4. Whilst Jay saves lives Cockell spends our money on first class travel and vastly expensive dinners. He is an utter disgrace

  5. All too often we forget that on a daily basis there are people like this, ordinary people with extraordinary skills be they cleaners road sweepers or doctors that actually make this country a great place. It is sadly the people that we elect that need continual reprimanding and reminding of what they are supposed to do and have. That is integrity and honesty and to care about the people they represent. Unfortunately Hornton street leaves a lot to be desired and that is due to the leadership of cockell

    1. Very true it was late when I wrote this. I stand corrected.

  6. The picture of the exhausted doctor is in stark contrast to the image of Prime Minister Cockell troughing at the Four Seasons Restaurant in New York with friends ("I forget the name") on a Saturday night. On the tax payer. And then again at up market Keanes Restaurant in the Wall Street area with another "mate". Again on the tax payer.

    1. Awful person

    2. From time to time all of us like to enjoy $400 dinners with a friend at expensive New York restaurants. Or anywhere else for that matter. But charging it up to tax payers on the sly is quite a different matter. Any self respecting public servant at the start of their office might think "This is wrong, I will not charge this to tax payers even though I could easily slip it through on expenses"

      But after fourteen years in power the self discipline slips. "To hell with it. I am an important person. The tax payers owe me".

      Time for Cockell to move on. Or be moved on

  7. Cllr Cockell used to say that "if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys" when he defended the sky high SRAs in Kensington and Chelsea. If you look at the current Leadership of K&C it might be fair to retort that "if you pay sky high SRAs in K&C you get monsters"

  8. Stand Up For Britain15 February 2013 at 10:46

    Bring back the public service ethic

  9. Sir Merrick is not the only one taking advantage of the public purse. Just look at the BBC; money no object! It is time that David Cameron really got a grip with the BBC and confronted Lord Patten.


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