Wednesday 27 February 2013


This bit of news will not please our  preposterous Prime Minister Sir Pooter Cockell.....
'The Don' Marco Cerestes, the leader of near bankrupt Peterborough City Council, has added to Pooter's embarrassment by announcing he will be releasing an 'open letter' later this week detailing the progress of his several months' discussion with the 'Big Man' he now calls his new best friend, Sir Pooter.
Pooter was furious the Dame blew the whistle on his chats with 'The Don'. 
According to a local source Marco has ordered up a case or two of Asti Spumante to mark the publication of his high level talks. 

Asti Spumante....not very Royal Borough. 
But as the Don correctly says, "Unlike Sir Merrick, taxpayers don't pay me £3,000 a week". 
Oh dear...The Dame hopes that The Don will not be asking colleagues for a pay rise!


  1. There was a certain Irish Prime Minister called Bertie O'Hearn who was also known affectionately as the "Big Man". We all know where that ended.

    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea now has a newly expanded Leader. Cllr Prime Minister Sir Pooter Merrick Big Man Cockell.

    Hail the LEader

  2. Don Marco is taking a rare opportunity to pursue the limelight

  3. Thank Goodness the very duplicitous Bertie Ahern is not related to our very own Oirish Ahern!
    We have quite a few 'Oirish' on our council....not least Danny 'Boys' Moylan whose cut glass accent belies his very humble roots as a Brumigen bus drivers son

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The Dame works extremely hard bringing shocking stories like this to our attention. So It's more than unfortunate that rather than commenting on the issues, some people repeatedly try to divert our attention by engaging in schoolboy racism, 'classism,' sexism or whatever.

    This scandal concerns the very stuff of people's lives. It is not about the pathetic pretensions of some
    of our councillors, however arrogant and repellant. May we please return to the subject under discussion: Pooter's endless political failings.


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