Thursday 21 February 2013


The revoltingly rich Dame sought the advice of Cllr  Caruana on how to avoid tax.

Cllr Caruana, 'leader' of a couple of other Lib Dem cllrs, tried to tap ‘Prime Minister’ Cockell for a £30k SRA as a political group leader! 
Even Pooter told her to take a hike!

The Dame,fearful at the prospect of paying tens of thousands of pounds tax on her mansion/s, popped along to Carol’s ‘surgery’ to pick up some tips on tax avoidance.

No! The Dame is not a silly old thing thinking the 'holier than thou' Lib Dems would be able to assist her in her shady tax dodging dealings. Carol could, if she was not so embarrassed,  point out that the Blessed Nick’s wife, Mrs Gonzalez Clegg, was a partner in a slimy City law firm, Dechert. Now Dechert are the 'go to' people for smart tax avoidance advice, so one would assume the Clegg family derive income from the firm's tax advice fees….no wonder the Cleggs' can comfortably pay the Mansion Tax!

So while the Blessed Nick threatens to pursue tax avoiding companies his wife’s firm can advise potential clients: ‘Increased scrutiny and restrictive legislation demand greater self-evaluation and require skillful representation in tax controversies and litigation.’ 

Dechert’s website goes on to say: ‘We are always mindful of our clients’ business objectives, providing transaction structures that maximize tax benefits and minimize tax liability. With lawyers in the United States and Europe, we are positioned to counsel clients on effective international tax planning strategies, providing integrated, global tax advice.’ 


  1. The whole system is sick. I am starting to understand the Islamic fundamentalist movement

  2. They are all in it together

  3. Another pervert Liberal Dem...a bit too liberal with his hands........!!

    "Lord Rennard, the party’s former chief executive, is facing "disciplinary procedures" after former party staff reported that he behaved inappropriately towards them at party events."

    1. One of the Liberal big wigs was on the Phelps "boy" distribution list. The Dame has the names

    2. 07:53
      You are perfectly correct: tucked away in her little Smythson 'notebook' is the name of this bigwig at the National Liberal Club. This 'gentleman'- and the Dame uses the description most advisedly- was an avid consumer of revolting and perverted emails from ex mayor and mate of our Prime Minister, Mr Phelps
      Mrs Ware will be able to tell us more.....

  4. There are serious issues round Rennard's behaviour over many years and the Liberal Democrats' response or lack of it till now. The charges are very serious, but are apparently restricted to his attitude to adult women rather than children. There are no excuses in any sphere of life for the abuse or exploitation of children.

    Regarding Nick Clegg's wife's career choice, Carol Caruana is hardly to blame. She seems to work very hard for her constituents and is popular locally.

    1. We are not discussing his attitude to children, but his appalling behaviour to Party members.
      What do you think of Mrs Clegg's tax advisory activity?

    2. She gets on very well with the Prime Minister too....never says a word of opposition. Pathetic bunch of coalitionist rubbish

  5. The leader of the conservative group on the council receives £150,000 a year of our money. Many of his cabinet colleagues receive £35,000 a year each. The leader of the labour group receives £25,000 a year. The leader of the lib den group currently receives £5,000 a year.

    1. Yes, but she had asked for the same as the Labour Group leader so stop doing the usual Lib Dem dissembling!

  6. There are a couple of £50k Cabinet SRAs. Jobs for Pooters boys and girls.

  7. The going rate for group leaders is £20k a year. This sum is automatically provided by the Council to political group leaders. It's not an individual award, but an acknowledgement that RBKC residents are now represented by three political parties.

    Certain majority group SRAs pay £50k a year. Such payments are just the beginning. Councillors are paid for attending committee meetings, even when they arrive late and leave early. They are recompensed whether or not they contribute to the work of the committee. The opportunities for abuse are endless. Advantage is taken of such opportunities.

    Most of the scandals highlighted by The Hornet stem from decades of one party rule.

  8. Councillors are not paid for attending meetings. They receive one allowance and that's it. The allowances are very generous because they are all bsed on percentages of the Leader's allowance.

  9. If they are not paid for attending committee meetings, why do councillors repeatedly arrive late, contribute nothing, look bored and then leave before the end?


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