Thursday 31 January 2013


When the Rotten Borough tries to be entrepreneurial you can sure residents will pick up the losses....Opera Holland Park...millions of £'s; Chelsea Care....a million and the Wedge...hundreds of thousands down the drain. So when an officer alerted the Dame to this 'investment' her antennae was on alert.....

Title: Home Connection Ownership
Decision No: 03948/13/K/A
Decision Rating: *
Detail: Report presenting the benefits of and seeking approval for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to take a share in the ownership of Home Connections Lettings Limited.
She has tried the link, but to no avail.

Key Decisions Tracking

Officer contact: Tony Heavey
Decision maker: Full Cabinet
Main consultees: No external consultation
Date to be implemented: Not before 21 February 2013
Current status: Scheduled
Report available: No
Scrutiny committee: Cabinet and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee
Decision URL:Decision


  1. This is the website.

    It cannot be right that RBKC is investing in a private company in relation to the carrying out of its statutory duties. What is going on?

  2. We should remember that the idiots who dreamed up and implemented Chelsea Care decided:
    (I) not to do market research in order to save tax payers money!
    (II) approved a business plan with trading margins of 6% when the industry operates with margins of 3%!!

    No they were not smoking something. Just a bunch of Councillors and Officers deluding themselves that they could be businessmen

  3. Does Cllr Fiona Buxton have a hand in this? She was the prat who invented Chelsea Care

  4. Another self promotion opportunity for Prime Minister Pooter. "My Council has decided to take a hands on approach to homelessness"

  5. Cllr Fiona Buxton was not "the prat who invented Chelsea Care"; it was Derek Myers. Cllr. Buxton was the one left holding the baby when the music stopped.

    1. Unfair to blame Fiona Buxton. It was Myers, Danny Boy and the useless Pooter.

    2. Cllr Fiona Buxton introduced the Chelsea Care company to the Cabinet AND SPONSORED THE IDEA. SHE PUT IT FORWARD WITH PASSION AND CONVICTION. And the Cabinet approved it.

      Read the minutes. She cannot now pretend that she had nothing to do with it. Officers take responsibility for nothing. They respond to ideas - and if they are incompetent in business and councillors are incompetent in business, then lets admit it. And no more business ventures. Leave the risk business to businessmen

  6. K&C is hopeless at business. Not the first clue. Those who claim to have business experience like Pooter are actually failed businessmen. Every time the hopeless councillors dabble in business it is a ltany of disaster and incompetence.

    Take the much vaunted "Great Glory Of London", Opera Holland Park. It is the creation of one Michael Volpe who remains the driving force. He is paid £40k per year (it should be £80k). He has a 3 month contract of employment (it should be 12 months). There is no succession plan (there should be one)

    If Volpe fell under a bus it would be impossible to replace him on present terms and conditions and there is no one to step into his shoes. This is management incompetence on a grand scale

    The council has not the first clue how to run a chip shop. They should stick to clearing the dustbins which is what Tory local Govt should be about

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