Wednesday 9 January 2013


The Dame was talking to a very obsessive local Ukip oppo who let drop his nascent local party is planning an assault on Cremorne Ward in 2014. 

The plan is to field a couple of young go-getters to knock Cllr Condon-Simmonds off her perch and show the lazy and unseen Cllr Neal the door. Can it be true? 


  1. K&C needs change. Anything other than the current "Tory" crowd

  2. UKIP could go after the soft underbelly in Cremorne and no one will notice. They should go after Stanley Ward and target the washed out Cllr Cockell with a hard hitting "killer of democracy" campaign. This would generate huge press interest. A win win for UKIP

    1. It is not only democracy that has been sacrificed by the current Leadership. It is all the vanity projects like £32 million to buy pink granite from China for Exhibition Rd and slap up dinners at the Four Seasons Restaurant in New York for "friends" on a Saturday night and charged up to Council tax. This is campaign gold for UKIP

  3. More rubbish from the Hornet, Why because Labour still fancy their chances in that part of the world and hope that if UKIP split the vote they will come through the middle.

    As has been said by many people on this blog, Hornets Nest is a Pro Labour Blog edited by a few Labour Councillors who are too weak to achive anything in their official capacity.

    1. I am a Tory and have been for 40 years and I am pissed off with the our Leadership in Hornton Street

    2. No your not, you are just another Labour Councillor in hiding.

    3. Oh how wrong you are Palmer!

    4. 9:49
      Palmer....I think what you might mean is 'as has been said by me many times'. If the Hornet is so weak, so ineffectual and so poorly read why does the Dame-elegant and amusing as she is-occupy your every waking and sleeping moment. I f this goes on I will send you to our fracking MEP and shrink, Doc Tannock

    5. It has to be Palmer, Dame " No your not....spelling Palmer!!

    6. 9:49 Matthew Palmer
      This is how you spell achieve...did you go to school?

    7. Reply to 10.49..... Are you just acting like a child or are you truly that silly. If you are incapable of conducting a sensible debate I suggest you keep quiet whoever you are!

  4. Bet the Hornet could not name that UKIP official - it is as you say rubbish

    1. The reason the Dame never reveals her sources is obvious....except to an idiot. Were she to do so no one would assist her.

    2. Alternatively she / he / it tells lies from unnamed sources and pretends they are real.

      A well known Labour practise.

    3. LEADERS'S OFFICE10 January 2013 at 11:57

      Matthew...for goodness sake spell check before sending things in to the Hornet. It is Practice...not practise. You are making a fool of all of us!

    4. Well If "PRACTISE" is good enough for the last 4 days of the Guardian it must be good enough for me

      etc etc etc

      Not Cllr Palmer

    5. I knew that would draw you out Matthew...hahahahaha

    6. Yeah right Matthew!!

    7. No it was me

  5. Since when has Cllr Matthew Palmer read the Guardian?

  6. I think the Cremorne Councillors have to be more worried that the Boundary Commission will accept the proposals of either the Labour and Liberals-which would reduce the number of Councillors to 2-and instantly change the ward to a fairly safe Labour ward-with no hope for UKIP whatsoever.

    If the boundary changes are either neutral or benefit the Conservatives-I still wouldn't be concerned about UKIP. They still have to complete the arduous task of filling in nomination papers. They forgot to put the party name on their nomination papers for the Mayoral election...and ended up with the name "A fruitless choice for London"...

    As for the source. Could be the guy who stands in virtually every by-election in the Borough but can't decide whether he cares more about the residents of Kensington and Chelsea or Bexley and Bromley. On the same day he stood in the 2010 Council elections he was UKIP's Parliamentary candidate in Bexley and Old Sidcup....

    1. Don't underestimate UKIP...the days of putting up idiots in what they perceive to be a key council have gone....Farage is on a it not...but accept it

  7. I have often wanted to clone myself so was delighted last night, after a long day's work and suffering Hornet withdrawal, to find on checking in that one of the Dame's regular posters still believes that Cllr Blakeman and I are responsible for this 'disappointed Tory' blog.

    So insistent is this poster that we are responsible, that I have begun to wonder if indeed it is us. Perhaps we are doing it in our sleep? I'll sprinkle flour on the floor tonight to try and catch myself out.

    Dear Dame, would you like me to report back?

  8. This is a bit unfair on poor Cllr. Neal. He only went on the Council to work with and help his friend, former Cllr. Mark Daley. When Daley left, he was friendless, rudderless and mentor-less - and no one stepped in to help him.

  9. I am afraid there is no opening here on the Hornet for you Councillor Dent Coad
    Cllr Palmer is the Dame's 'man in Hornton St' . Though his spelling and grammar leaves much to be desired she does not have to remunerate him. The idea that a Labour cllr would write blogs supporting Conservative leadership candidates is just so bizarre that only Cllr Palmer could have come up with them.
    The Dame needs remind the rather slow Palmer that it would have been unlikely for Cllr Blakeman, who he accuses of being the Dame, to have self harmed by reporting herself to Private Eye!
    What a silly boy!

  10. Dear Dame, my hopes so cruelly dashed! Ah well, there's always my own humble blog to keep me busy; it was recently awarded the prestigious '18th most read blog of 2012' award by Labour Left website.

    It also has to be said that, despite her innumerable and varied talents, Cllr Blakeman would struggle to run a site like Hornet.

    However, given that we are all to receive social media training, heaven knows what she might get up to in 2013.

  11. Cllr Blakeman is currently too busy working with the Tories and playing with her shiny new toy, KALC , to do anything inspirational like run the Hornet.

    Time to get new Leadership in North Kensington and Cllr EDC is by far the best candidate.

  12. North Kensington parents owe a huge debt of gratitude to the whole Labour Group, past and present, for continuing to press the case for a North Kensington secondary school for many years in the teeth of long-standing Tory opposition. With Holland Park about to become an exclusive Academy for the rich middle classes in the centre of the Borough, this school will come just in the nick of time for us. We are fed up with having to bus our children miles from home just to get a second rate education.

    1. The rich middle class will never send their sprogs to a central London Comprehensive. Dream on

    2. Rebuilding Holland Park School at a cost of £100 million was supposed to be Cllr Cockell's passport to the House Of Lords. The idea of a new secondary school for North Kensington had to wait until that was accomplished

  13. It's interesting to read that former Councillor Daley is being mentioned still on this blog site. He has not been around for a few years now. I live in Cremorne and I know a lot of us around here felt the benefit of his presence as our Councillor. It's interesting too to note how his name still crops up in conversation with friends and neighbours in the area occasionally. Perhaps after these boundary changes which are being talked about, he will be able to make a come back to local politics and will be our Councillor again. Although I am not a tory by nature I know a decent guy when I see one. I would support his return and I know I'm not alone

    1. This month Cllr Cockell will interview all Tory councillors after he forced each one to re apply for their job. All except him of course. The poodles are a collective shivering wreck and a few of them will be kicked out as Pooter exercises power and shows them who the Master is. This could make room for Daley to return.

    2. Holt, Freeman, Campion and Weatherhead are on the hit list

  14. A very dangerous game for Cockell to spread terror amongst the poodles. It will come back to bite him. Once re affirmed, all the suffering and stress will crystallise into hate and May 2013 is just around the corner

  15. 17.33 No idea if there's a hit list. But 2 of the 4, at least, in your list are retiring and have no need to go to any interview

    17.36. This may now be Party policy that all current office holders need to be re-interviewed?

    1. I stand corrected. But still bad timing for Pooter


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