Friday 25 January 2013


A bit of arm twisting and the Dame is happy to report Pooter Cockell has followed her advice and will 'robe' Cllr Charles Williams as new Rotten Borough Mayor.
Pooter tells the Dame he will make an official announcement next week. Little is known about Williams, but clearly he is so anodyne and quiescent Pooter had no qualms selecting him. Why is the mayoral appointment always in the gift of the dreadful Pooter?


  1. Damr who have you decided upon as deputy Mayor?

  2. The Dame has already announced Cllr. Sam Mackover.

  3. It will have to someone even less charismatic than Williams, tricky one.

  4. Mrs. Williams is nice.

    1. Thank goodness for feminine mercies

  5. Oh dear, they must be running out of respectable people who they can manage without on committee for a year. Everyone else is damaged goods, useful, or bonkers.

    Dame, is the rumour true that you told Pooter you would 'mobilise your file on Moylan' if he were proposed? I can't imagine anyone less suited to be Mayor, for reasons we all know about, and others that most don't.

  6. This is a salutary moment in the affairs of the Royal Borough, where there are 54 councillors and Cllr Williams is literally last on the list. This quiet Finance Officer of the British Association of Arts Therapists must be the ultimate pair of silent hands. But lets not be negative. Like all good democrats we look forward to better times. This is a great launch pad for the NEXT Mayor in 2014. A chance to sex up the position by appointing someone that is "different", dashing and a surprise to the populace. Cllr Mosley? Or maybe even the ultimate wacko gesture, Cllr Palmer!!

    1. Scribe you are off message. This Mayor will be so out of sight that it is the perfect preparation for the whole Mayor bandwagon to be closed down in 2014. The change will not be noticed

  7. This is a random computer generated selection

  8. Sam is a name of the people. Rejoice. Cllr Mackover is a self employed business consultant (ie difficult to find employment or "resting" while seeking employment) with time for public service duties. A chance to shine and show his stuff - will not be upstaged by the Mayor

  9. Yes, yes 10.24, they are both 'nice enough'. But as 10.18 says, this choice shows up the weakness of a system well past its sell-by date.

    I can't imagine anyone would bemoan the loss of such an anachronism as the Mayoralty; we already have too many in the Royal Borough which has become like a cheap version of Downton Abbey (bad acting 'n' all).

  10. How about Cllr Freeman. Very clever....a great sense of humour and popular across the political spectrum. Probably upset Pooter so that rules him out. Incredible that talented people can be emasculated by the greedy Pooter who has achieved little in his life.....apart from arranging huge allowances for himself

    1. and scrounging council tax to entertain friends at expensive dinners in New York on Saturday nights

  11. Cllr Fielding-Mellen also available to be Mayor. And he has a wife which is always useful. The wet behind the ears Cabinet Member for Civil Society (whatever that means)would have no difficulty taking on the pomp which is already second nature. And the Bentley would be a step up from the battered BMW - something that the parents would love.

    1. The drivers hate him - pompous little twit

    2. Rock FM is an unqualified nob who despises poor people.
      The type of person who believes that his supposed high breeding gives him the right to rule over people less privileged than him.
      He is a heartless toff who is held in contempt by residents and council officers and workers alike.
      With no experience of life or communication skills he would be a disastrous Mayor.

    3. Black And Decker27 January 2013 at 07:56

      Rock is a very special toff - descended from people with a passion for drilling holes in their heads. First in England and then the Spanish islands

  12. The Dame gives a final warning to Cllr Palmer. Would you please cease and desist from lobbying her for consideration as forthcoming Mayor....the Rotten Borough is already on object of national derision. Having you as Mayor would be the straw etc

  13. I think that this whole business of having a Mayor in RBK&C when we already (unfortunately) have a Mayor of london is maybe quaint (as many of our friends from across the pond would think) but it is extravagent and totally outdated. The position of Mayor of RBK&C and all the other Boroughs should cease. It is as someone else has suggested a recipe for free and expensive dinners at the expense of the hard pressed tax payer. I believe that there should be as little government as possible; many people are fed up of other people making a career of telling other people what to do from unqualified positions. The position of Mayor of RBK&C is archaic and a total waste of time and if I was Cllr Williams I would be inclined to turn it down.

    1. Well put Draycott

    2. The country is struggling to find ways to save money and a sustained attack on pensioners benefits and allowances is underway. While all of this is going on we still tolerate adults parading around in fancy dress, supported by expensive props like Bentley and Jaguar cars, all in the name of "tradition". Well maybe the time has come to replace tradition with common sense. The Mayor and apparatus in K&C costs £1 million per year according to FOI data. With 500 councils around the country this farce adds up to a tidy sum.

      Something for the Tax Payers Alliance to tackle me thinks.


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