Friday 18 January 2013


The Dame wants to make one thing crystal clear....
She was no more than a messenger for the valiant efforts of the Friends and the Kensington Society to protect a wonderful amenity for the benefit of all.
This victory proves that when amenity groups and resident associations flex their muscles (proven during the Sloane Square debacle) the Council runs for cover.

Amanda Frame's objection letter was a tour de force.....

It is time that Borough resident associations stopped allowing themselves to be stroked to sleep with silly Gold Stars for falling into line. Instead they need to form an 'associations umbrella group' able to lobby on issues of common concern. 
It would end this Councils' unctuous attempts to divide and rule.


  1. The Dame has a point. The Kensington Society, ably led by Amanda Frame, and the Friends of Holland Park, hit this one hard with a double blast from their shotguns. It sent the hopeless Bore and Cockell into a tailspin that they never recovered from.

    Just shows what democracy is capable of when it get organised. The poodles ought to take note

  2. Clear lines in the sand have been drawn for Opera Holland Park. A season of seven weeks in the summer, nothing in the winter, and no more council tax subsidy. Now this will concentrate the minds....

    1. Bring back Tot Brill. Time for another report

  3. longsufferingofficer18 January 2013 at 11:47

    If all, or at least most, of the residents associations joined together, either loosely or better still formally... would send shock waves through the leadership.

  4. Yes, I also agree that it would be an excellent idea if all the Resident's Associations came together and as one could really have influence on the goings on at Hornton Street. I also think that it would be to the benefit of the long suffering council Taxpayers in RBK&C if the Conservative majority could be significantly reduced. This would encourage the Conservative run Council to pulls it's socks up as it would be more accountable to the electorate. I think it an excellent idea if independent candidates stood in the next Council elections (even though it maybe in just a couple of targeted wards); this could give the electorate a proper choice.

    1. Agreed. But how would this be done? You can be sure that the Council would spy or try to spy and effect change or send agents provocateurs - that's what MediaCONs is for (believe me, I know)!

      It would be especially helpful as a kind of 'skills pool' so that people with different skills, say planning objections or communication with the press, could help groups without those skills.

      So, we could have a public face - say via a Facebook page - and then debate and plan in 'invitation only' private meetings. What do you think?

    2. Something like this is necessary. When outraged residents teamed with the Greens in Campden Ward to run a single issue campaign to "Save The Holland Park School Playground" the Tories reacted with a pack of dirty tricks that threatened innocent residents with jail, prosecutions and all manner of things. Fragrant Fraser Howells was in his element

    3. In the meantime the Dame is the official opposition in K&C. Many, even Tories, are waiting for Labour to get their act together. For a nanosecond there were high hopes for the Liberals but that was a wasted nonosecond

    4. With the likes of Blakeman and O'Neill Labour are just a pathetic joke. Time for a change of Leadership. Time for EDC.

    5. Has K&C Labour made contact with H&F Labour? The triBorough stupidity makes imperative for them to consult

  5. It would be a great service to residents if the Dame could persuade the Taxpayers Alliance to take an interest in the profligate affairs of K&C

    1. It is a little known fact that the Hornet was established after a suggestion by the Taxpayers Alliance! A piece of advice that has served the residents of the Royal Borough well

  6. Is it true that Cllr Moylan hates the Taxpayers Alliance?

    1. yes, he is full of hate for everybody and everything, including the Dame and Pooter

    2. Not very keen on himself either

  7. Kensington Resident19 January 2013 at 07:42

    Talking of the Royal Borough, the notion of the Royal Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham is absurd. Low life people

  8. Cllr Cockell is a lost Conservative. Any Tory knows that you take on foxes or the countryside at your peril

  9. Good grief - has Cllr. Cockell banned the Kensington Hunt now?

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