Wednesday 2 January 2013


Andrew Pierce is one of the UK's hardest hitting journalists. He thought the dear old Dame was pulling his leg when she told him the Rotten Borough has spent £45,000 on a festival focused on the Middle East! 
The irony is that Pooter unceasingly protests that Councils have run out of money, yet can find money for this nonsense.
When Conservative journalists like Andrew Pierce lay into Conservative councils-and particularly one whose leader doubles up as chairman of the LGA-things are very seriously wrong!

"There are predictable cries of outrage from councils over the government’s decision to axe spending by six per cent next year. Yet it has emerged that the London Assembly gave £100,000 to a Gay Pride event and Tory-controlled Kensington & Chelsea Council gave £45,000 to an arts festival extolling the Middle East. Why?"


  1. Pierce is gay so please can we not have comments that the article is boring. The issue is about waste and gay people feel just as strongly about misuse of taxpayers' money

  2. I like the idea of Gay pride in the Muslim world, I hope lots of Muslims come along to show their "understanding"

  3. The Daily Mail seems to have Pooter on the floor. They will pursue his vanity projects and splurging until Cockell is pushed out by his fellow Tory Councillors or he changes his ways.

  4. The pips are starting to squeak. Cockell got his mother in law to write to the Mail and complain! Before she hassles journalists she should ask her son in law to pay back the dinners for friends in New York that he charged up to council tax

    1. Dame, give Sir Merrick a break. None of us can control the mother in law

    2. But a little self control with the piggy bank of Kensington and Chelsea might not be a bad idea

  5. Fly on the Wall
    I don't know where you got that from but it is 100% correct!
    Mrs Pooter does not realise that her son in law id a laughing stock: and it is a bad idea for an old trout like her to start throwing her weight around with the DM

  6. What a silly family. Cockell himself is in the habit of picking up the phone and blasting journalists when they dare to say anything nasty about him. Mostly he gets a flea in the ear in return. Especially when he is stupid enough to disturb the Sunday lunch of senior writers.

    Out of touch with residents, out of touch with journalists, out of touch with the world.

  7. I am sick to death of the fiasco that has now become Kensington and Chelsea, arguments over Tents and the Holland Park Opera, Exhibition Roads millions for Chinese hewn stone (by prisoners of conscience), the Mechanical Elephant and Parade , the Olympic Entertainment fiasco, the loan of a Million Pounds of our money to hard up Sr Conman, Holland Park School Debacle, Pedophile Councillors and their friends, Chelsea Care, Wedge Card, Lunch in New York with invisible friends. And the meltdown of all meltdowns which no one seems to want to mention properly the Tri Borough. Everyone except the Councillors and the few bleating officers who like to hold onto their jobs knows it is an unadulterated mess, costing millions and ultimately downgrading or eliminating high quality services to the levels of the two neighbouring Boroughs.

    Through all of this in case they havent noticed Kensington now has two food banks, and they are cutting services to vulnerable people by stealth anywhere they can get away with it. The reduced food areas of all shops are now swamped by families trying to feed their children in fact I overheard a mother recently asking what time would the discounting start.

    But who cares for residents in this Borough certainly NOT the Councillors nor its MP in absence. Year after year they blatantly demonstrate this by allowing the spending of residents monies on Pewkers vanity projects. He needs to be ejected but of course the spineless lot will do nothing.

    An election is on its way and people are watching this site, in fact the readership of this blog probably equates to more votes than any of them have ever had together! Pewker and the other Councillors have gotten away with their disgraceful mismanagement up to now because people had food on their tables for their children, could pay their rent and were not worried about whether they could get health care and felt they had a safety net if not.

    This is no longer the case, and it is exactly the time the Torys will be hit at the polls and its about time because in this Borough they deserve it.

  8. Conservative Central Office need to wake up before it is too late and show their dissatisfaction with the way RBK&C is being run. I sincerely hope that Sir Merrick can forget anymore totally unjustified accolades or gongs, whatever one wishes to call them but these days they are not worth a song. As for the state of the Conservative party they really need to focus on the getting their house in order because next year's election will be very tight especially with UKIP attracting a lot of support from traditional Tory voters. In my view, there is a real chance of the woeful and irresponsible New Labour of forming the next government and plunging this country into the mire again. Along with the replacement of Sir Merrick with a leader who has a conscious and a will to help others less fortunate than them, I would like to see the introduction of a fix terms of office for the leader and possibly for Councillors as well. This would stop ineffective Councillors from holding office too long and open everything up a little more, giving other residents the opportunity to serve their community; good for democracy.

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