Thursday 13 December 2012


The Dame is frequently party to top quality political intelligence and one particular piece should cause fear and trembling in the Pooter Cockell's Hornton St penthouse office(jocularly, he refers to it as 'Der Hauptsitz', to reflect his  German origins). 

Farage boasts he intends targeting certain key wards in the Rotten Borough. His logic is that there is significant latent UKIP support if he presents quality candidates.( they can't be worst than the present bunch of wallies. ed) 

By dislodging Conservative councillors he thinks he can strike deep into the Conservative heartland-easily and at no great cost.
It sounds a long shot to the Dame, but in this topsy-turvy world anything is possible. 
If successful, he boasts, it will demoralise Cameron.

The Dame hears Farage is plotting get himself around the Rotten Borough in an effort to promote the UKIP message and build up a support base. 
This is all scheduled to take place sometime in March....


  1. I suspect Farage would take quite a few Conservative and Lib Dem seats

  2. Yes, I also think that UKIP are starting to make in roads to persuade traditional Tory voters to switch their support. I will be interested to see how things develop in RBK&C more opposition to the the Tory Council can only be good for the democratic process and sends a message to an arrogant and lethargic administration that they are not doing a good job. Keep up the good work Mr Farage.

  3. Aha, this would explain an estate agent's insistence that he saw Farage peering into his window the other day. Obviously hoping to set up a base here.

  4. At last someone to rock their boat.

  5. more rubbish, farge is busy trying to become an MP in Chris hulme seat when hulme gets convicted of telling lies to the court.

    Hornet is full of rubbish

    1. Cllr Palmer
      You will be banned from the Hornet if you continue to post error strewn comments. The man's name is Farage-not Farge and your grammar is horrible.
      What possible connection is there between him fighting Hulme'seat and organising UKIP candidates to rid the Borough of imbeciles like you?

    2. How about the Hornet story of a councillor using the old Association offices to phone Australia at a cost of hundreds of pounds and being forced to repay the that rubbish too

  6. Our favourite story is that of a Conservative Councillor who persuaded 2,000 residents to sign a petition to ban Sainsbury's from taking over the North Pole pub.

    It was Tesco's; the petition had to be pulped.

    Yet another very public and idiotic act by Palmer.

    1. That cannot be true? The guy is seriously bonkers

    2. 100% true. He didn't check his facts.

  7. I'm sure that Chris HULME-is quaking in his boots about Farge. Different story about Chris Huhne though.

    The amazing thing about Palmer isnt the rubbish he spouts on here but all the errors on here that pass right by his birdbrain mind.

  8. you can make fun of the grammer if you want, but the reality is that you are all wrong

  9. UP YOURS aka Palmer

    You mean grammar!!


    Palmer is correct I am afraid

  11. Everybody knows Farage has UK parliamentary ambitions. However,he will still be leader of UKIP and still determined to make inroads into K&C council...the Dame is 100% right on that and that is all that matters!

  12. All I can say that it must be good for the residents of RBK&C if Nigel Farage makes positive in roads in RBK&C, the Conservative equivalent of Socialist Liverpool under the dictatorship of Derek Hatton in the eighties.

  13. Regardless of whether Farage is or isnt going to use RBKC as a base it will be bad for the local Tories if the Council elections are held a month later in 2014 to coincide with Euro election day

    A May Council election would probably see UKIP leaning floaters stll vote Tory but elections on the same day....good luck

  14. The local and European elections will be held on the same day, 99% certain.

  15. Independent Consvative candidates are projected to be the most popular, beating both Tories and UKIP, Farage is delightful despite his ciggie-but breath.


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